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I felt nothing but pain as I watched the scene in front of me. I felt nothing, my body felt numb as I stood there. I felt like my heart had just been ripped out, used, taken advantage of. Taking a step back Adrian's gaze met mine, the girl he had just kissed moments ago looking dead at me. A smile crept up upon her face as she ran her hand down Adrian's chest. Pushing her away he began walking over to me. "Baby" "don't even" I spoke, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks, my chest throbbing at a fast pace.

Taking a step back I couldn't bare stay here, the air thickening. "Please let me explain" biting my bottom lip i turned, my legs taking me to the door. Adrian fast on my heels his hand grabbing onto my wrist. Turning me around my gaze met his, tears bursting from my eyes at an alarming rate. I felt betrayed, used, useless, taken advantage off. Looking into his eyes I saw worry, tears threatening to escape his eyes. But why? He's just plain up cheated on me with a girl, what did I even do to deserve this?!

I couldn't look at him, not right now. Yanking my hand away I dashed for the stairs. He was again right behind me, my name leaving his mouth multiple times as I rushed downstairs. Tears escaping my eyes as they became sour. All eyes were on us as I pushed through the crowd. "Luke wait" he shouted as I burst the front door open. Tyler coming into view as him and the others sat outside in the front garden. Their eyes immediately found mine as I rushed down the porch stairs only to feel a hand yank on my wrist.

"Get the fuck off me" I shouted my arm immediately leaving his grip. "Luke" "no, who the fuck do you take me for" I shouted people rushing outside to watch the commotion. His face only folded more as he ran a hand through his hair. "Luke please let me explain" he spoke, his voice breaking. "Why should I Adrian, I saw it clear as day" tears only broke me more as a sharp pain erupted through my chest. My body becoming much more numb as I looked at him, those eyes the ones I had come to love, the same ones that had just looked upon a girl.

"Why don't you go fuck that slut you've just been kissing whilst your fucking boyfriend has just been sick in the toilet" I shouted his body immediately flinching at my words. Tears left his eyes as he looked down at me, not once did I feel sympathy for him. "Luke that's not what happened" laughing I only clicked my knuckles. "I can't believe I trusted you" laughing more I merely bit down on my bottom lip, blood entering my mouth. My teeth splitting my lip to the friction. "Luke" "we're done" I spoke, my voice breaking as I spoke these words.

"Luke please" "I said we're done Adrian" my gaze met his as his eyes twitched, his body taking a step back. "No" taking a few steps back I looked around me, all eyes were on me as I stood there, blood dripping down my lip. Turning around I rushed down only to have Tyler grab my arm. "Luke" "don't fucking touch me" yanking my hand out of Tyler's grasp I couldn't help but whince at how I'd just spoken to Tyler. "Sorry" I mumbled, his eyes widening as he heard me.

Making it to my car I slammed the door open before closing it again, locking it immediately. Placing my hands on the steering wheel I couldn't help but cry more, my head resting on my hands. How could he do this to me, why me. Of course I fall for the bad boy trick, thinking it was gonna be perfect. What did I expect, he's popular, I'm not, he's hot, I'm not, he's everything a girl or boy would want, I'm no where near that. Wiping my tears i closed my eyes, my breath slowing down a little.

Suddenly a knock on the window interrupted me. "Fuck off Adrian" I shouted only to meet Tyler's gaze. Sighing I unlock the passenger seat door letting him in. He immediately shut the door locking it before turning to me. Interlocking his fingers with mine I looked to meet his gaze. His hand lightly squeezing mine as I watched him. "Luke" his voice was soft and welcoming. I couldn't help feel guilty even more at how I'd reacted to Tyler, he was only trying to help me, yet I shouted in his face when he hadn't done anything to me what so ever.

"Come here" he spoke, his voice soft and calm. Resting my head on his shoulder he gently placed me in his lap. His right hand running through my hair, my sobs taking over the silence. He gently placed his head by my neck as I leaned into his touch. Taking deep breaths I soon found myself taking in his scent. Wrapping my arms around Tyler's neck I hugged him a little tighter. Letting him go I leaned back, wiping my eyes. His gaze met mine, he had a worried look on his face as his eyes roamed mine.

Wiping my cheeks Tyler gave me a small smile, neither of our eyes leaving each others. Caressing my cheek I slowly leaned into Tyler's touch. This is what I needed I needed comfort, someone to cuddle. "How about we go back to yours, get snacks and cuddle up watching films" smiling I nodded as I got back into the drivers seat. Taking a deep breath I felt Tyler place his hand on my thigh immediately making me relax. This is why I loved Tyler, he always knew how to comfort me. I'm glad I have a friend like him I dunno what I would do without him.

We soon made it back to mine, Tyler's hand never left my thigh which helped a lot. I knew if he let go I would hyperventilate again and panic. I couldn't think about him not right now. Closing the car door Tyler immediately locked his fingers with mine. "Relax okay" nodding he gently pulled me into my home. Locking the door behind us Tyler lead me into the kitchen before letting go of my hand. Jumping up into the kitchen counter I watched as he got a glass. Grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge he gently poured the coke water into the glass before passing me it.

"Take sips okay" nodding I couldn't help but smile as he took ahold of my hand squeezing it gently. I felt refreshed as the cold liquid went down my throat, made me feel a peace even. Drinking the rest of the water Tyler pulled me down, quickly placing the glass into the sink we headed upstairs. Opening my bedroom door I quickly sat on my bed. "I'll go get some snacks you choose a film" nodding he smiled before heading back downstairs.

Quickly getting into a pair of shorts and a tank top I got back on my bed. Clicking on Netflix I scanned the shows and films that came up thinking what I and Tyler would like to watch. I soon came across a film that I knew he would like and clicked on it for the description. Leaning on my bed frame I waited for Tyler to come back up with the snacks. He soon did "I got popcorn, Crisps and chocolate" smiling I quickly grabbed one of the chocolate bares breaking a square off immediately shoving it in my mouth. "Slow down" Tyler chuckled as he placed the snacks down.

"Lemme go get changed" nodding he soon came back in a pair of shorts and a top. "Can I lay on your lap" nodding he sat behind me, pulling me back my back hit his chest. Leaning into his touch he quickly kissed the top of my head. "If you ever need a hug or wanna talk about the situation I'm always here okay" smiling I gently squeezed his hand. "Thanks Tyler" ruffling my hair I couldn't help but smile. Leaning into Tyler touch I couldn't help but think about Adrian. The way his skin would feel on mine, how his body merged with mine. Wiping my eyes I took a deep breath as the film started.

Why did I have to fall in love with the wrong man

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