The Families

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Rose's POV

I woke up on the comfiest bed. I cuddled further into the comforter and let out a sigh.

"Get your ass up, Rose!" I hear before a pillow hits my face.

"What the fuck Sophie? I'm trying to sleep."

"Are you fucking stupid girl? We've been kidnapped." At that statement I jumped right up. I noticed I was no longer wearing my clothes and my bracelet was missing. I had on a silky red nightgown with a hem that reached mid thigh that fit me, even with the pregnant belly. I looked up at Rose and she was wearing a similar one but hers was dark blue.

"Where are we?" I asked her. I looked around, not recognizing anything. We were in a room that had two simple queen sized beds like in a hotel room. There were no windows with cherry hardwood flooring, a couple of wooden dressers, a mini fridge and a flat screen tv. I plodded towards the mini fridge and opened it up. I pulled out two bottles with red liquid and gave them a sniff. Blood.

"Do you want a bottle?" I asked Sophie. She shook her head no at me. "Remember what happened the last time we ate and drank something? There's no telling what's in those." I sighed, frustrated, she's right.

*knock, knock, knock*

We both looked at the door. I grabbed the nearest thing which was a lamp while Sophie grabbed a book. As soon as the door opened, we both went on the offensive, trying to attack when a force threw us back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to your babies." A cruel voice taunted us. I looked to see a man wearing a butler outfit. He was very tall, had dark black hair and black eyes.

"I brought your outfits. Dinner is in an hour. I suggest you use that time to shower and make yourselves presentable." He stuck up his nose at us, laid down two garment bags and turned on his heel to leave, locking the door behind him.

I tried to mindlink my guys but had no luck. Where the hell are we?

Sophie opened up the first bag and shrieked.

"What is it? Are you ok?" I started freaking out. She jumped up and down and tears started to fall while she fanned her face.

"Am I ok? GIRLLLL these are limited edition Versace dresses and heels!" She opened up the other bag to pull out a dress in my size with flats. "Your dress is also limited edition but tailored special! Whoever kidnapped us is definitely going to be my future baby daddy. I swear I'm in love Rose."

While she continued on and on about her future husband I decided to go take a shower in the adjoining bathroom. I let the hot water soothe my skin while I bathed. The shampoo, conditioner and body wash were all vanilla scented and felt like silk on my skin. When I finished, I dried up and went back out to the room to get dressed. At least with a dress I'm a little more covered than with a nightgown.

"Your turn Soph." She was flipping through channels on the tv.

"I've figured out where we are." She sounded proud of herself.

"Where and how?" I asked.

"We're in Sin City baby, Las Vegas! I found a news channel that was showing the local weather." Hmm smart.

"Well get showered and dressed so we can meet whoever this guy is." I reminded her. She jumped up and skipped to the bathroom to get ready.

What the hell are we doing in Vegas? I wish there was some way that I could get ahold of my guys. It should be as simple as getting a phone or maybe something to reach them online. I tried conjuring up a ball of fire with my magic but I was getting nothing. What the fuck good is it being a witch when I can't cast spells! Frustrated, I threw myself back on the bed and worked on planning our escape.

Maximus's POV

I called up an old buddy of mine and we were going to meet up with him at the airport. The three of us stumbled off the plane and I looked around for his punk ass. After a few minutes I spotted him leaned against a wall and chatting up a blonde. Figures. I strode towards him with Brent and Damien behind me.

"Hey sweetheart, are you picking up a plaything for us for later?" I sent a kissy face his way and winked at the blonde. She turned around and scurried off as fast as she could.

"What the fuck Max? I was talking her up for later tonight. Now I have to find someone else to fuck!" He growled at me.

"Ah, I missed you too, bud." I slapped him on the back and wrapped an arm around his neck, giving him a bro hug.

"Well we might as well head to my apartment." He shrugged me off and started walking off.

Brent and Damien looked like they wanted to laugh their balls off but were restraining themselves.

After a short drive we walked into a high class apartment complex and headed to the 6th floor. Lorenzo opened up his door for us and we all headed in and made ourselves at home.

"So you're looking for this chick right?" He held up a picture of Rose.

"Where the fuck did you get this?" I tore the photo from his hands, it had Rose walking down the street and looked very recent since she was very obviously pregnant.

"It got passed around by the major families. I got mine from Luka. I'm not surprised you didn't get one from Gino." He tsk'd at me.

"So what is the point of these photos?" Brent spoke up.

"The families offered a hefty bounty for her safe capture. Alive only. Apparently someone wants her badly."

"How much is the bounty?" Damien asked. I gulped, too afraid to hear the total.

"100 billion usd." Lorenzo answered. I just gaped at him. There's no doubt about it now, it's Asmodeus. Nobody else could afford to pay that much for one, and for two nobody else could get the major families to do a task like this.

"How do we get in contact with them about finding her?" I asked.

"You just call up the family representative and they take care of transportation. That's all we were told."

I threw myself down on his couch, probably harder than necessary but I'm so pissed off that I can't bring myself to care.

"What are these families that you guys keep talking about?" Damien asked Lorenzo.

"There's four major families of Italian incubus. Bianchi, Rossi, Leone, and Santorino. Each family specializes in different pursuits, kinda like the mob. Most of us have to work for the family but there are a fortunate few who are estranged, like Max. Each family has a representative that you reach out to if you need anything. There's Luka Bianchi, Alessandro Rossi, Francesco Leone and Giovanni Santorino." Lorenzo explained.

"So you guys are real life mobsters?" Brent seemed to ask a little too excitedly.

"I guess you could say that. I only know about the Italian incubus, don't know nothing about the other ones." Lorenzo said.

"Is there anyway that you could reach out to Luka? We want to know if she's already been found. We are working a few leads and this is one of them." I asked him.

"Sure." He pulled out his cell phone and called. After a minute he hung up. "Sorry bud, no answer. I sent a text message and I'll let you know when he answers. For now how about we eat a little something and then go hit the strip. Have you boys had any kind of party yet to celebrate being dads?" The three of us looked at each other, I could sense trouble on the horizon. Maybe we can turn him down gently.

"Actually yes, just something small." I answered him. He looked unconvinced. "Well you haven't had a party until you've had a Vegas party. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." Lorenzo winked at us. I gulped, worried about what trouble he's going to get us in.

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