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Chapter 18

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The sun was setting behind the green hills that flanked the Kowie river. A pleasantly cool breeze drifted across the water, giving my burnt shoulders and nose a reprieve from the sunburn they had been enduring since I had arrived.

Laughter, the heavy bass of music, the clink of glasses- these were all residual noises that faded into the background while I absorbed this moment, right here. That wonderful, serendipitous feeling that occasionally surrounded me sometime around twilight while I travelled- be it a sunset, a view, or an experience... they were all the same. And they all meant one thing:



And, of course, privilege.

I was grateful for my life, for my abilities and opportunities that had afforded me the chance to pursue the kind of lifestyle many would aspire to. I sighed, happily buzzed after several glasses of champagne- from the limo ride to the dock, and now on the boat.

Everything was as it should be in that moment. The water rippled and glistened with the embers of the fading sun, the sky illuminated in a glorious spread of pinks and golds. Nothing could bring me out of this reverie, out of this mood-

A heavy, wet slap landed on the side of my cheek.

My head snapped, focusing on the activities of my friends I had obviously been ignoring while I admired the scenery. A cold, slimy slice of lemon dropped into my cleavage.

"That got your attention!" Mia laughed. "It's your turn. Geez, Stella, how much have you had to drink?"

I only just managed to resist throwing the lemon back at her. Instead, I grit my teeth and gathered my thoughts, curbing my annoyance at Mia as best I could. Good mood sufficiently diverted, I was forced to recall the words we had shared earlier while we were getting ready in Sadie's room.

"Really? You and Killian are a thing again?" she said as she applied a thick layer of mascara, blinking rapidly at her pretty reflection in the mirror. I studied her from where I sat on the bed, waiting for the others to finish their make-up and hair.

"We're not... anything, really," I hedged, uncomfortable talking about anything to do with Killian right then. But it was blatantly obvious there was something going on between us since Mia had spied Killian running up the stairs and into my room behind me earlier, and demanded an explanation the moment I had walked into Sadie's room.

Welp, guess I would have to face the facts sooner rather than later, and the girls had always been there for me in the past. Mia straightened and turned to me, twisting the cap of her mascara tube as she spoke. "I don't think it's very wise of you, Stels. You're two very different people, and second chance romances? When has that ever worked?"

Sadie nudged Mia pointedly. "I think it's romantic," she commented, beaming. But Mia rolled her eyes, then shrugged, and left it at that, her disapproval apparent.

I knew I shouldn't let her words affect me, but my irritation flared regardless, along with more doubts about Killian and I. I had to give Mia that- we were two very different people.

Returning my focus back to the group, I racked my brain for what we were currently doing. Right, we were playing a drinking game- something from our university days, when we all had more stamina to endure copious amounts of alcohol, late nights, and early mornings. When hangovers didn't feel like it would simply be better to bury yourself alive than endure it a second longer.

There was a crowd, not only Sadie's closest crew, but those of her circle she had gathered in the years since university days. Fellow colleagues, cousins and siblings, and acquaintances- all of whom would also be at the wedding in two days. The boat was full to capacity, entertaining an assortment of groups that clustered together around high bar tables and stools, loungers or tables and benches. These were situated on two levels- comfortable loungers on the upper deck, and the dining and dancing areas at the bottom. The cruise would wind up the river for a further two more hours, well into the evening until it docked at the harbour once more where our limo was waiting to cart us either home, or to the next party.

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