hogwarts train and meeting side characters

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Ariana POV

I was excited to meet Cedric for second time ☺️ probably he won't remember some random girl who bumped into him while shopping but still i just hope he remembers my face.

I'm way too excited and i keep hopping while on the way to enter the train. I do wanna see my cute draco😍 and also wanna chat with Weasley twins. But i guess i was way too fast and came early that i couldn't see anyone now.

Hermione and i practiced a lot of magic easily. Now i can openly use magic and can simply say that i read it somewhere. No one will doubt it. Hermoine looked at me like i was monster at learning anything but only i know it's all because of my cheat skills not my own talent. Maybe i can say it's my talent because I got it granted by birth in this life. With the help of search engine and instant learning i can do almost anything.

I also talked with a magical book publisher and sold (frozen) books in the wizarding world. Many people actually got related to the story as there are many people who have squibs in their family.

I'm way too lazy to think about doing business. I have magical space for food and shelter. I also have an instant learning ability to do anything i want. I also have huge magic power for a human being. All i need to do is protect my loved ones. I might be interested in getting powerful in the wizarding world.
For now, I'm bored and lazy. Magic fascinated to me at first but with time i slowly lost interest. I just wanna relax and flirt with my cuties.

As i was thinking all of these we reached an empty compartment and sat there. I looked out of window curiously and met gazes with Lucius Malfoy. I always disliked his character . So i just turned my head and searched for draco Malfoy and narcissa . But i couldn't find them so i just looked at my sister who already started to read books.

I said with some annoyance "can you stop reading books? can we just enjoy our ride to hogwarts"

She said with a serious face"what if others are ahead of us in magic.we don't even know about this new world. "

I just said as a matter of fact" I'm sure we are both ahead of everyone our age. We still need to make new friends."

She just nodded her head then looked at the window and continued reading.

I sat there closing my eyes and looking at my phone in my head got new app unlocked which is maps. The only function of it is that i can not get lost and can easily know how to reach my destination but it's not like maraudurs map . It won't show person's name but only shows the correct way.

While i was in my own world. My compartment got another boy. Neville longbottom , the introvert but courageous boy. My sister introduced me to him. The classic scene appeared infront of me when Neville lost his toad. I just wanna use summoning magic to bring back the toad . But i wanna meet my future brother in law and Harry Potter. So i went along with them. But i didn't let Hermione rudely ask everyone. So i asked instead of her.

I got familiar with lots of side characters while searching for the 🐸.i met Weasley twins who tried to give me their prank chocolates and also met Padma and Parvati patil. I missed eating Indian food when i saw them. I love eating Indian food and wearing saree or half sarees. But Indian dresses right now aren't good at all. Then i added to my list to learn stitching with magic or to buy something which can make my ideal dress.

I forgot to help my sister while talking with Indian sisters so she went on asking and by the time i found her she was repairing Harry Potter glasses with magic she just learnt. I felt bad for missing the first meeting nevertheless i introduced myself.

I smiled cute and said
"Oh hi I'm Ariana Lilly Granger, twin sister of hermoine. What about you guys?"

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley introduced themselves and offered me chocolates. I took chocolate frog and acted suprised and said
" Thanks for the chocolate Harry!!"
Looked at ron and said
" Oh, i just met your twin brothers ron. They were funny. They tried to give me chocolates but i got suspicious so i didn't took them"

Ron was surprised and said with a frown that " my brothers always pranks people so be careful.They fooled me with a fake spell ."

I don't know what to say so I just looked at my sister and she just shrugged and said
"You two Better change into your robes.
I expect we'll be arriving soon"
she tried to go out so i followed her but i turned around gave a tissue paper to ron .
My sister said her classic line to ron
"You got dirt on your nose by the way.you know, Just there."

Ron expressions are funny in real life. I just opened my bag said "Bye and here's my book .I recently published this book . I didn't have chocolates to give you in return so it's free for you both. I can see you guys don't read much so just read when you wanna sleep as bed time story."

Harry smiled politely and thanked me . Ron just took and said thanks while wiping his nose .

I smiled and said " free advice- hope you both read potions book before attending classes and ask someone to give you the map to reach the classes on time."

And i left thinking they will definitely not listen to my advice . Soon we reached hogsmead 🚉 station.

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