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My heart raced as we drew closer to the factory. Andy's windshield wipers beat back and forth, making the rain explode like starbursts on the glass. The rundown houses on either side of the road became dark blurs in the downpour.

"Andy," I called, but he wasn't listening. His thoughts raged on like a storm in his mind, again reminding me of looped surveillance footage. It was like the thoughts were placed there to trick me into thinking they were his—into thinking Andy was still in there when he wasn't.

The presence of another entity radiated off his body like a sickening pulse—the breath of some demon. Even though it wasn't clear enough for me to make out distinct thoughts, its energy tugged at me. I was falling towards it, the world dropping out from below.

I needed to get out of here. Now. I didn't know what this demon was planning, but it wanted me, and it needed me near the factory. That's why it was taking me there, right?

I glanced at Andy out of the corners of my eyes. Under normal circumstances, I wasn't intimidated by him. I could predict his moves in a fight, which gave me the upper hand. I knew he didn't have it in him to harm me beyond a few scrapes and bruises. And, if all else failed, there'd always been others around when we'd fought. If things went bad, someone would pull us apart. Even if I'd only recognized it subconsciously, I'd had a safety net. No real danger.

Now, I didn't have any of that to fall back on. Andy and I were alone in this car. I couldn't predict his actions, and...I no longer trusted he—or whatever was in him—wouldn't hurt me. Or worse.

I sized him up. Could I take him in a fight if it came to it? I was in shape, but I had a fairly slim build. He was heavier and stronger than I was. He'd overpower me.

Could I outrun him? I was fast, but he was an athlete—a football player. It might be my only shot, though. If he slowed the car enough for me to leap out, I could sprint for the woods behind the factory. With the diminishing light and pounding rain, maybe I could lose him there.

I chewed on my bottom lip, depressing the release on the seatbelt slowly to keep it from clicking. The factory was only a block away now. As the car braked, I tightened my grip on the door handle, my finger resting on the unlock button and ready to press it.

Already dead...dead.

Andy's thoughts set all of my nerves on end, freezing me in place. The car came to a stop in front of the factory, but I couldn't move.

He turned to me, his gaze meeting mine. The headlights dimmed, and as the car went dark, his eyes glowed red, searing me like fire. The monster inside burned through. Its thoughts became too strong for it to mask them out, but I felt like it wasn't trying to hide them anymore. It was talking to me.

There is nothing you can do to stop me, the demon thought. All of the pieces are finally falling into place at once.

My lungs froze. I couldn't get air in. Everything burned.

I watched—paralyzed—as Andy released his seatbelt. Then, he stretched across the center console, his hand reaching out as a screech of agony bellowed at me like a zap of lightning through my temples.

I couldn't tell if it was the demon screaming or Andy. Maybe it was coming from within the factory—the girl I'd heard the first night.

It all happened too quickly. Andy grabbed me by the wrist, and I nearly screamed. His skin was too hot, and the silvery metal of his ring dug into my arm like it was a burning coal. I yanked my hand back, but that only made his grip tighten.

"Get off!" I pried at his hand, my wet fingers slipping against his.

The fire in his eyes glowed like embers. Before I could react, his other hand shot to my neck. His grip constricted, and I gagged.

MezzanineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz