Meeting new People

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New harem member

Talia Al Ghul


Y/N woke up in the morning with a yawn, looking up he found Lady Death looking down at him

LD- good morning Master Did you have a nice rest

Y/N remembered what they did last night and blushed a deep red

Y/N- yes, yes I did

LD- good it's time to get up then

Y/N got up and stretched

Y/N then walked over to a dresser hoping that his luck hadn't run out in the clothes
Department, he looked in the drawers and cheered a little because he found a new change of clothes

Lady Death just put back on her usual outfit

LD- so do we have anything we need to do or what.

Y/N- I was thinking we need to get out of Metropolis as soon as possible, but first I need to make something to keep my powers from hurting anybody

LD- maybe you could use the gasmasks you got from the the robbers to fashion a filter for your breath

Y/N- maybe I don't know hopefully

Y/n then walked over to his backpack and took out the gasmasks he obtained. Gasmasks are made to keep harmful fumes out of your lungs not the way around, so to perhaps reverse the the way they work, maybe he needed a solvent for the gasses his breath produced, but his breath produced a number of diffrent harmful gasses, first and foremost the main Y/n produces is musterd gas, to neutralize the harmful effects and make it safe you need hydrogen peroxide so, mix it with a charcoal filter and that is really all harmful gasses both absorbed by the charcoal and nutrilized, so getting to work Y/n took apart one of the masks to get parts tho help him augment the other one.

After an hour or two fiddling with the mask he finally got the mask functioning, he had a tank filled with hydrogen peroxide that misted the charcoal filter so that his breath didnt harm any one the only downside is that the charcoal filter didnt last long a few hours at best

After an hour or two fiddling with the mask he finally got the mask functioning, he had a tank filled with hydrogen peroxide that misted the charcoal filter so that his breath didnt harm any one the only downside is that the charcoal filter didnt ...

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LD- looks good and functional

Y/N- it was made for other people in mind but thank you

LD- thank you now how are you going to get out of the city, the mask will look suspicious

Y/N- maybe by train but I don't know the schedule could leave now or tomorrow I don't know

They both thought for a moment the train wasn't a bad idea it's a fast mode of transportation and they rarely check the caboose and unused box cars, but Y/n wont know where he'll end up

Y/N- you know what the train isn't such a bad idea

LD- good now we just need to get over to the station

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