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She mentally concluded that manual labour was not for her as she scrubbed the graffiti with nothing but a sponge and soapy water. Daisy decided she deserved a life of being able to sleep and eat whenever she wanted. Not to mention her giant list of hobbies that had miraculously doubled since leaving prison.

However, the feeling of fresh air and infinite space was something she couldn't get enough of. The idea that if she were to run, there wouldn't be walls to stop her.

It was hard to imagine only a month had passed since she was incarcerated. It would've felt like a dream if it weren't for her vivid memories of Seth.

Now every other day she was scrubbing walls and picking up litter with weekly check ins with a corrections officer, despite it having being proven she wasn't guilty. The court decided to make an example out of her as her family were so obnoxious and assumed her to be the same. They announced that due to the abstraction of justice, her sentence turned into a fine and community service.

Her parents publicly disowned her and refused to contribute to any part of the fine. Luckily, the situation was apparently big news and thus people happily donated towards the cause.

"Alright! The day is over, you lot can go now!" Yelled the supervisor.

Daisy looked around her and saw everyone already leaving. There was a large selection of people of lots of different backgrounds and ages. Unfortunately, the younger immature ones would often leer at her, making comments she was sure would get them killed if Seth knew about them.

"You doing anything later, babe?" Said one guy that she couldn't remember the name of and it seemed the feeling was mutual.

She just ignored him and began walking to the bus stop, eager to get home as soon as possible and take off her shoes. While still better than prison trainers, standing on her feet for a few hours around people she would rather not be with was just as mentally exhausting as it was physically.

"You still ignoring me for that imaginary boyfriend of yours?" He called after her.

Daisy spun around at this and defensively said, "he's not imaginary."

Unfortunately, he took her response as an invitation to jog up to her. Even as she continued her walk to the bus stop, he walked with her. "He never picks you up though does he sweetheart? If you were mine, I wouldn't let you take the peasant wagon." He said with a smirk and raised eyebrow, as if he had a point.

"That's b-because he's in prison. He's Seth Knight and if you knew who he was you wouldn't be talking to me," she stated.

The guy laughed loudly, making embarrassment unwillingly flush through her. "Aw I didn't know you was one of those girls - apart of the Seth Knight fan club. I'm a bad boy too!"

Daisy rolled her eyes. Clearly he wasn't going to believe her no matter what she said.

It was also a little tricky to defend the fact she was the famous gang leader's girlfriend considering he hadn't answered any of her calls for the past week.

They used to talk every day, even several times a day sometimes due to Seth's connections in prison. She sent him care packages and the pictures he requested. The next day she was released, Seth had already arranged for flowers to be sent to her house along with a large box of premium art supplies, with the expectation she'd send her artwork to him after.

However, Seth quickly seemed to get busier and busier and the time between their calls grew longer. Even though it had only been a month, time moved quickly and it already felt like it had been a whole life time since saying goodbye to Seth.

Innocent Prisoners | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now