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The return to Forks went uneventful.

Things had calmed down significantly and I could only feel relief Edward hadn't been killed.

I did receive a small scolding from Carlisle and Alice for leaving the way I did.

Alice hadn't seen it coming, one considering she was focused on Bella and two because I played on her blind spots.

My decision had been impulsive and immediate. She couldn't see it on time, until she saw me preventing Edward from exposing himself, giving Bella more time to stop him.

The lovebirds hadn't separated since they found each other and neither of us had the heart to tell them to let go.

So because of that, Edward spent the night at her home.


The atmosphere while content was tense as Bella stood in front of us.

She had announced she wanted to talk to us.

We were sitting on the living room as Bella paced in front of us, Edward stood with a displeased frown playing on his lips.

"You all know what Edward wants" Bella began; Edward looked away, lips pursed. "And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you..." I looked between them. The lovebirds seemed tense around each other this time, but Bella was determined as she looked at each one of us, "I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote"

Edward scowled at her, "You can't be serious"

The look Bella sent his way was unlike any other I had ever seen in the awkward girl.

"This is my meeting, Edward" Bella said firmly, staring at him.

Emmett's lips curled in a smirk.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

Frustrated, Edward sat back.

"Girl power" Emmett leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Girls always have power, Em" I tilted my head back to whisper at him whilst muffling a chuckle from where I was sitting with Jasper and Alice in a couch, together.

Emmett was standing behind us, his hands resting on the couch behind me so when he leaned down, his face was close to my ear.

Edward sent us a glare over Bella's shoulder, at our whispering.

Emmett and I smirked his way.

Edward rolled his eyes.

Bella was unaware of our interaction, turning to us, seriously, "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone-"

"The hell you will" Emmett interrupted, straightening, giving her a look "I'm not missing another fight"

"It wasn't a fight when Eddie didn't even have the chance to throw a punch" I murmured, smirking.

"I swear, Liz" Edward snapped lowly.

I blew him a mocking kiss.

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