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The next day was very odd because, Atlas started behaving so cold to me.. if it wasn't anything to do with work, he didn't talk to me about it

By the end of the day I felt sad and angry..

Why was he behaving so cold to me.. I didn't know what I did wrong that warranted this cold treatment and I felt angry with him for treating me in such a manner

Like I was ... like I was nothing

But sadly that wasn't far from the truth... I was in fact nothing to him..

It was that obvious since he could just up and treat me like this and by the end of the day he had the guts to stop by my desk and said "schedule interviews this week for your replacement" his voice had been so detached.. he didn't even look me in the face

This man was so different from the one that had told me not to go last night

Well... he be damned

I didn't care.. I was leaving anyways. If he wanted to be this way then fine

I made sure that he would have already left the building before I packed my things to leave too.. I didn't think I would be so polite to him if I happen to see him again tonight

As I stood by the elevator, i felt someone come stand beside me

I turned to find that it was Elsa.. she was part of the CEO's team

She was a redhead beauty, I liked her because she had a very cheerful personality and was always friendly... well everyone on the team were but she was just a sweet person

She was one I didn't mind as a friend and would have gotten closer to her earlier but working as the assistant of Atlas was literally, no child's play

"Hi Elsa" I greeted her with smile

She had already been looking at me with a smile so she cheerfully said "hi Lana" to me

The elevator dinged and we both got in.. "how was your day?" She asked cheerily

"It was hectic, yours?" I told her with a playful groan

She gave me a pitiful smile, "you are really a strong lady.. working for Mr Atlas must be a difficult job. Compared to yours, I think my day was just average" she said

I smiled happy that atleast someone appreciated my work

After small talks here and there about the office, we rod the elevator silently but I could feel that she wanted to tell me something else ...

So when we got to the last floor and got out of the elevator.. I turned to her with a smile

"Do you want to tell me something.. you had been opening and closing your mouth in the elevator.. I could see you through the elevator walls" I told her

She smiled sheepishly at me as her cheek reddened

Awww.. she was just so cute

"Well, will you maybe like to go on a blind date?" She asked me

My eyes widened in surprise not expecting that at all

Mistaking the look in mh face, her face paled and she immediately tried to remedy a situation she thought she had caused

"No..don't get me wrong... it's just that my cousin had been begging me to set him up with someone and I just thought that you had a good personality and were single. I really didn't mean to upset you" She apologized

"Calm down Elsa.. I don't feel upset or anything.. when does this blind date need to happen?" I asked her

She sighed in relief and beamed at me happily "on Friday" she said

Wanting LanaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora