Ch 2 - Gun Shots

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I could hear the music as we turned into the street. The house was at the very end of the street, and the closer we got, the more I could feel the vibrations. The different lights coming from the house, and the many cars parked outside, told me that this party would be one for the books.

Also, that the neighbours here must be quite tolerant.

Nick parked the car and came around to let me out. Everyone seemed to know who had arrived since almost everyone was looking our way; that, and Nick's car is pretty hard to miss since it's a brand new blue BMW and all.

We headed inside the teenage infested house and thankfully he had my hand in a tight grip. There were people everywhere, and they were all in different states, ranging from sober to sloshed. I must've been out of my mind when I thought I felt a little naked.

In comparison to some of the girls here, I was dressed enough for a cold winter's night!

We finally made it to the room that had Nick's friends. Apparently this party was being thrown by the most popular guy at my new school, whose name I still didn't know. All I know is that he clearly doesn't care about who his parties affect, and that his parties don't need an invitation for you to attend.

"Hey guys!" Nick greeted. This room also had less sound coming in.

"Sup Solano! Who's the chick?" some guy with brown hair asked with a slur.

"Back off Milton. This is my little sister," Nick replied, sitting down on the free couch. I sat down next to him.

"I'm Trent, that's Chuck, that's Freddy and that's Shane," a guy with black hair and gray eyes introduced. There were only guys here, and 'Milton' is Chuck.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Noelle," I smiled.

"You too!" Freddy said with a nod.

"Solano, I didn't know you had a sister. You guys look nothing alike," Chuck commented.

"That's because we're step siblings. As you guys know, my dad died when I was twelve and my mum remarried. She married Ellie's dad," Nick explained. Understanding dawned on the guys.

"So where have you been this entire time?" Trent asked me.

"Lived with my mother," I answered vaguely. I was saved from further questioning by some giddy girls coming into the room.

"Would you like to get something to drink?" Shane asked me. I turned to Nick and he sent me a nod.

I turned back to Shane. "Sure."

He gave me his hand to take, which I did, and he led me out of the room. I was once again met with the rowdy crowd of people as we made our way to wherever it is we were going. On our way there, some guy groped my butt, which Shane didn't even notice.

"Good heavens! Do these things happen often?" I asked once we reached the kitchen.

Shane laughed. "What? Parties?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Not really! Funny, I'm not sure why the host is having this party. He rarely throws parties, especially ones like this one," he replied.

"What do you mean like this one?" I asked.

"What would you like to drink?" he diverted.

"Uhm, soda," I replied. He nodded and turned to get me a can.

"What I mean is that he rarely throws parties where everyone is invited. Normally, his parties are more controlled and are by invitation only. I can only assume that he's celebrating something big, or he's not even here," he explained.

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