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"Did he show up today?" Harper questioned when we sat down for dinner that Friday. She took a bite of her meat-lover's pizza. The cheese glistened under the pub lights and I began to regret my choice of a soggy Greek salad.

I shook my head, poking at my half-eaten meal with a fork. "Nope."

It had been almost a week since I had last seen Lincoln. He had missed our last two study sessions, and left all of my text messages on read. The distance was killing me. The longer we went without talking, the further my chances of getting Hamilton's referral were. I tried to use the opportunity to reflect on the situation and try figure out what the fuck happened. However, the more times I mulled our conversation over in my mind, the more confused I felt.

I had no idea why Lincoln's behaviour had changed. He had been more closed off and cold than the first time I had met him. Maybe something was going on at home? Maybe the stress of everything was getting to him?

I grit my teeth. He wasn't the only one who was stressed, dammit.

But like every time my anger would flare up, it was soon put out by my guilty conscience. Maybe I was laying on too much pressure.

Harper chewed for a moment. "Is this an inappropriate time to say, I told you so?"

I gave her an unimpressed look. "You wouldn't be able to pick a more inappropriate time."

"Not even a funeral?"

"If this keeps up you'll be attending my funeral."

This whole situation had turned me into one big ball of nerves. The last time I was this stressed was when I was preparing to get into university—something I didn't have complete control over. I remember being coped up in my room for days, unable to eat. My mom had come knocking on my door with dinner, hoping to coax me with her infamous cinnamon rolls. That's when she perched herself on the edge of my bed and told me something I still thought about.

"All you can do is put in your best effort. Focus on what you can control. Not on the things you can't."

She was right. All I could do was put in my best effort and hope that whoever was reviewing my application liked me enough to give me a shot.

The situation with Lincoln was similar.

I could prepare and create whatever resources I wanted, but I couldn't control Lincoln. He had to want it. He had to be willing to work with me. And he had made it clear that he wasn't.

"You've been hanging out with Ella for two long," Harper said with an impish smile, pulling me from my inner turmoil. "Her dramatics are starting to rub off on you."

I placed my fork down. "I don't know what to do, Harp."

"I wish I could make the decision for you, but we both know you're stubborn as a mule. If you want my honest opinion, I'm afraid tutoring him is causing you more harm than good."

"I don't know if I could just drop him. Hamilton basically handed me the key to his reference letter on a silver platter. I knew this was going to be difficult based on what you and Ella said that night. I just didn't realize how difficult it would be."

Harper's hand enveloped mine on top of the table and I sent her a grateful smile. Physical touch was not something she took part in often, but she must have realized I needed the comfort. She slid her hand away a moment later.

"Does he appear as though he's trying to understand what you've been teaching him?

"Sometimes. Other times I catch him staring off into space... or fidgeting. He says he's trying, but we haven't made any progress. Midterms are coming up soon and I doubt he'd be able to pass that with the minuscule amount of information we've been able to cover. I keep feeling like I have to backtrack with him."

Harper pondered for a moment. She picked up a fallen pepperoni and popped it in her mouth. "Perhaps you're going about this the wrong way."

"How so?"

"From my understanding, not everyone learns the same way." She wiped her oily fingers on a napkin. "Have you considered the way you're relaying the course material to him?"

"Of course. I've been trying to teach him in a bunch of different ways."

"Such as?"

Splaying my fingers, I recounted the list. "I've tried flash cards, quizzes, reading him the textbook... making him read me the textbook..."

"Those all sound like your typical study strategies."

I blinked at her. "That's because they are."

Harper nodded. "You know... I'd probably scream if you forced me to try to memorize terms with flash cards."

"They're my favourite way to study." Along with filling notebooks and notebooks with colourful and detailed notes, or annotating a textbook.

"That's exactly my point," Harper said, pointing a dull finger at me. "They are your favourite ways to study. Perhaps, instead of utilizing what typically works for you, branch out and consider what would work for him. You may not be able to make anatomy anymore interesting, but you can change the way you're teaching it."

"Harper," I said. "Have I ever told you that you're a genius?"

"Once or twice."

Rummaging through my bag, I slapped a few bills down on the table. "I've gotta run. I might have just figured out a way to make a scholar out of Lincoln Pierce."

* * * * *

author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter! Friday's update will be much more interesting (and from Lincoln's POV). I promise!

Any ideas of what Cali's plans are?

Thanks for reading! Have a great rest of your week!

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