Experimental Story Idea

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Hello my beloved audience! Guess what...... I have more ideas to share-!

Jeff : " My Lord.... Aren't you already working on the second fanfic? Why are you creating another on-"

SHUT UP JEFF!!!! Don't you see! No one has ever created a Black Souls fanfic before so-

Jeff : " But my Lord surely your audience would want something a bit different? I mean you really like writing this yandere stuf-"

Oh come on Jeff! I like writing romantic tragedies and besides this will be one of those idea scenarios.

Jeff : " Let me guess... Another prologue?"


Jeff : " (-_-)"

Jeff : " Ok fine you can write a prologue for your third fanfic, but please don't get off track. You still need to finish the first fanfic."

Okie Doki! I'll manage my time like a pure genius~! Two Months of Writing Baby!

Jeff : " This isn't going to end well at all........"

Exactly! Now let's write the prologue Jeff!

The Brain Rot Universe shall expand once more~



This is a new fanfic idea, so please tell me your opinions about it my beloved audience.

Now playing ending song.......

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