Chapter eighteen - Luca

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(A/N) Important author's note at the end. Please read.

"Are you excited?"

My knee was bouncing up and down as I scribbled some half-hearted answers on my worksheet, my mind not having the ability to concentrate at all.

"Yes", I whispered, my eyes lighting up as the last minute started counting down until the bell would ring for lunch, meaning only one more minute until my brothers were picking me up.

"I can't wait to hear all about it". Madelyn grinned, the excitement I was feeling rubbing off on her.

"I'll tell you tomorrow", I promised, slowly sliding my legs out from underneath the desk, preparing myself for a full sprint. My feet were twitching in anticipation, butterflies swarming my belly as the last seconds on the clock counted down.




As soon as the sound of the bell ringing reached my ears, I leapt off my chair, running faster than lightning out of the classroom. Madelyn had promised me she would tidy up my things for me so I wouldn't get stalled. She was a true friend for sure.

People must have looked at me funny at the image of me passing through the hallways in a run like my tail was on fire. I didn't have time to see or get embarrassed as I tackled Nate in a huge hug by the entrance.

"Let's go!" I rushed, pulling on his hand to get him to move faster.

"Easy baby. We'll make it", he chuckled, walking ever so slowly behind me. Come on Nate! You have much longer legs than me and still I have to drag you along. Really? Not cool...

"We have to make it now though", I groaned impatiently, even as my brother obediently allowed me to drag him behind me it was rather difficult. He was afterall a grown man.

"Of course, angel", he mumbled, an amused smile gracing his lips as he opened the backdoor for me, revealing Embry who sat beside the driver's seat.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his warm blue eyes meeting mine.

"YES!" I bounced, not being able to contain my eagerness to visit my sister anymore.

Embry snickered at my happy outburst as Nate entered the driver's seat, turning on the engine.

It felt like the car was moving at a snail's pace even as we speeded down the freeway. I was convinced time had either frozen or started going reverse. It wasn't normal for time to go so slow!

"Are we there soon?"

Nate peered at me in the rearview mirror, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Five more minutes", he replied with a wink.

"That's what you said the last time", I mumbled underneath my breath, deciding to have a very serious chat with whoever was in charge of controlling the time. This was excruciating!

"It's only been a few seconds since you last asked".

Both of my brothers laughed.

"Whoops", I giggled, blushing a bit from how persisting I was acting, but could you blame me?

Eventually a big building appeared in the distance. It was square shaped and looked dull with the plain bricks coating the sides. I nervously bit my lip as Nate stalled the car at the gate, exchanging a few words with the guard as another one circled our vehicle with a dog.

A ball of nerves bobbled in my stomach as I noticed the tall fence that surrounded the entire complex, sharp spikes on the top shimmering in the sunlight.

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