𝖝𝖑𝖎𝖎. 𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞

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"Fester? Fester, help!" Wednesday burst through the door to Fester's temporary accommodation, cradling Thing in a cloth that was now soaked with blood

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"Fester? Fester, help!" Wednesday burst through the door to Fester's temporary accommodation, cradling Thing in a cloth that was now soaked with blood. "Help! Help! Thing's not moving. He was stabbed!" Hades wasn't too far behind his sister, Persephone nestled in his arms. He knew that Thing needed to be seen immediately and that unfortunately meant that he would have to wait to help Persephone.

"Get him on the table!" Fester orders, rousing quickly from his sleep. Wednesday knocks everything off the surface and places Thing down gently as Fester stumbles to his feet. He sends a quick glance at Hades, whose face looks utterly distraught as he holds the girls close to his chest. As soon as Fester is up, Hades lays Persephone on his makeshift bed, cupping her head gently to protect it as he lowers her down. He brushes her hair away from her forehead and leaves a loving kiss on her hairline. It physically pains him to leave her like this, but he has no choice.

"Wait for me." He chokes out the words painfully. "I need you to wait for me, love." The desperate plea is whispered in her ear before he joins his uncle and sister at the table. Fester rubs his hands together like a defiberilator as tears stream down Wednesday's face. Electricity sparks from Fester's hands as he continues to build up friction. He places his fingers on either side of Thing's wound and sends a shock of electricity into him. Wednesday's bottom lip quivers fearfully as she watches with wide eyes. Hades places a comforting hand on her shoulder which she grips onto, thankful to have her brother there with her.

Another shock pulses into Thing but still results in no movement. "Oh, come on, Thing." Fester pleads desperately, trying again to revive the family friend. Hades can tell how hard Wednesday is fighting back her tears, eyes and mouth screwing up to combat her despair. Fester sighs in defeat, "He's gone, Wednesday."

Wednesda grits her teeth in anger and determination. "No, he's not." She protests, sliding the cloth closer to her. "Thing. If you can hear me..." She breathes in shakily, voice cracking with emotion. "If you die, I will kill you. Go again." She demands, pushing Thing back towards Fester who seems to be hesitating. Wednesday slams her hand on the table, shouting, "Now! Again, please!"

Fester obeys her orders and tries a few more times. Just when all hope seems lost, a twitch of his fingers indicates a sign of life. Thing wiggles his fingers as Wednesday releases shuddering gasps. Hades laughs in disbelief, running a hand through his hair. Hope began to swirl in his mind as he looked to Persephone's still lifeless body. He wasn't going to give up on her.

"For a minute, we thought you'd picked your last lock, buddy." Fester exclaims happily as Thing weakly moves about.

"Who did this to you?" Hades seethes, knowing it was the same culprit who had forced poison down Persephone's throat.

Wednesday shakes her head as Thing answers. "Knife from behind the back. Cowards. I promise that whoever did this to you will suffer. And it will be slow, long, and excruciatingly painful." Thing lifts his pinky for Wednesday to interlock with hers as they seal their promise. Now it was onto their next casualty. "What's the plan for Persephone? We don't know what poison was used."

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