Lights out

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Chapter 19

Lights Out

He closed his door behind him and turned on the light. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes then turned back to him. He smiled.

 "I'm not gonna do anything, I promise" he said as he walked over to his bed and pulled back the covers. I nodded. I trusted his word and believed he wouldn't do anything unless I wanted him to, but that's just the problem. I wanted him to, and that could turn deadly. If I let my control slip just a little, it could end badly. I sighed.

 It was hot in his room. Down in the living room I was freezing, and now I'm burning up. I pulled my hoodie over my head and threw it to the side and pulled my shirt back down. I heard Luka growl and looked up to see him staring at my stomach. I was confused, but then his gaze moved to my arms and I understood what he was staring scars. I gasped and tried to cover them. I ran to pick my hoodie up but arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me.

 "No" I said as I squirmed in his arms trying to get away. He only held me tighter.

 "I'm not letting go till I know you won't run to hide" he said. I froze. What did he mean? Didn't he think they were ugly?

 "But I need to hide them, there ugly" I said. He growled again.

 "They are not" he said. I shook my head.

 "I know they are" I said. I could feel him shaking his head. The lights above us flickered and I gasped. He turned me in his arms and embraced me.

 "Sshh it's ok. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not leaving" he said. I buried my face into his chest and flinched as the lights once again flickered.

 "Your scars are not ugly. They tell a story, your story. They have made you who you are. They are battle scars. They show just how much you've fought to stay alive" he whispered to me.

 "They make you a warrior, but most of all, they make you, you" he said. I looked up at him with teary eyes. He smiled and gently wiped my tears away.

 "Thank you" I said, but he shook his head.

"I haven't done anything" he said. I sniffled. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before walking to his closet and coming out with one of his shirts and handed it to me.

 "Right through that door is the bathroom, go change. I'll be right here" he said. I nodded and went to change. I pulled off my clothes and stared at myself in the mirror. I had on my black underwear and bra, but that wasn't what I was looking at. What drew my attention were my scars, some small, some large, some deep, some not. They covered my thighs, hips, arms, and wrists. I shook my head. The makeup I had put on earlier was still there and the bruises on my ribs and back were fading, but all in all, I still felt ugly. I sighed and pulled on Lukas black shirt. It fell off my shoulder and stopped at mid-thigh. You could see some of my scars peeping out from under the hem. I shook my head and took a small breath, but before I could walk out of the bathroom the power went out. I gasped and fell to the ground, fear overtaking my body. I heard the door open and felt Luka pick me up.

 "Sshh its ok" he whispered. I nodded and clung to him as he walked with me in his arms back to his room. He sat me down on the bed before walking over to his desk to light a candle. I smiled as he came back and sat next to me.

 "Are you ok" he asked. I nodded.

 "Yes, thank you" I said. He smiled.

 "You don't have to thank me" he said. I shrugged.

 "I feel like I do. You're doing so much for me. I know you don't want me following you around or taking pictures of your life and everything, but your letting me, and just feel like I can't do enough to thank you" I said. Luka nodded.

"Well, there is one thing you could do" he said hesitantly. I looked over at him with curiosity.

 "What" I asked. He moved over and sat in front of me.

 "You could let me see your scars. I want to do something" he said. I shook my head.

 "You have to tell me what you're gonna do" I said. He shook his head.

 "You're gonna have to trust me, just a little bit. I promise it won't hurt you" he said. I sighed. Could I really trust him with something like this?  What would he do? Would he laugh or make fun of me? I shook my head at the thought. He wouldn't do that. He's been nothing but kind to me and shown me nothing but respect. He wants me to trust him, and if I want his trust I have to give mine.

 "Ok. I'll show you" I whispered.

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