Chapter 08

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The next day I woke up to Lewis' bed but -fucking hell- he wasn't there I stood up and I went to the kitchen and I saw him making breakfast

"No! I wanted to bring you breakfast to your bed!" I kissed his cheek

"Morning" I sat on the kitchen island and he gave me the plate with the pancakes

"Thank you" I said with a smile to my face he gave a kiss to my head and he sat next to me

"Sleep well?" I nodded eating from my breakfast "In your arms? Fucking yeah!" We ended our breakfast and I got ready to pick Leo from my dad

"Babe, date night?" Lewis asked me and I turned

"You don't go to Monaco?" He smiled at me

"I did a mistake! Get ready we're leaving for a date-trip!" I looked at him in shock


"A surprise destination is waiting for you! Tonight we're leaving!" I ran to him and he hugged me

"You know I was very happy with a bottle of wine to the sofa cuddling and watching movies!" Lewis kissed me

"I want to be perfect!"

"For how many days I have to get ready?"

"One week and we'll go to country that it's too hot and has sea!"

I pick up Leo from my dad's and I went back to Lewis' I rang the bell and Lewis opened

"Excuse me, you didn't take keys?" He asked me in shock waiting that I have keys

"No!" I said and Leo ran to him and Lewis took him to his lap

"Missed you dad!" Leo said and he hugged Lewis

"I missed you too baby!" He gave a kiss to his hair

"Mama told me that you two are leaving and I'll stay with uncle Lala and auntie Lui!" Lewis looked at me

"Your mom has good plans!" He said and he kissed Leo's hair

"Dad, will you play with me and my cars?" Lewis nodded

"Of course little man! Let's go!" Lewis winked at me and they went to Leo's room. I went with them

"Boys I'm going to my house to get my stuff for the trip! And Leo's!"

"Okay Chiara! Just take keys with you!" I smiled at him, I went back to the entrance and I took a pair of keys and then I left for my house.

I did my suitcases and then I went back to Lewis'. I opened the door, I went to the kitchen and I saw Leo cooking with his dad

"Mom! We're cooking pasta with vegetables!" Leo said proudly to me

"Hey mini muppet" I said and I kissed Leo's hair "I bring his stuff and we'll leave him to my brother's before we leave for our secret destination!" Lewis smiled at me

"Well I know that you love the surprises!" I kissed he cheek

"Mom! Sit down the food is ready!"

"Okay Chief!" I sat to the kitchen island and I was waiting for my food, Leo to Lewis' arms served me

"Here you are Mrs Hamilton" As Leo said Mrs Hamilton a smile appeared to Lewis' face and to mine as well

"Thanks Mr Hamilton!" I tasted from the food "Well?" Lewis asked nervously

"I think it's good! Why not?" I said and I drink from the wine

"High five!" Lewis said and Leo high five Lewis

"Mom liked it!" Leo said proudly for his cooking skills

"You love us mom, don't you?" I smiled at him

"Of course yes babe..." I kissed his hair


We left Leo to my brother's house and now we are to Lewis' plane to the secret destination

"Lew!" I said with a fake sad voice and smile

"Where are we going?" Lewis smiled

"I won't tell you!" I gave him a kiss and I sat to his lap and I started kissing him passionately but he broke the kiss

"I think now you deserve to know! Well... We're going to Greece!" I looked at him with my eyebrow raised

"I- Oh my gosh!" I gave him a hug I couldn't be happier for the surprise Lewis knows that I love Greece he broke the hug and he kissed me

"Santorini we're coming!" He said and I smiled at him

"Thank you for being here with me and giving me a second chance" He said placing my hair behind my ear. I smiled at him

"You are amazing!" I said and I placed my hands around his neck

"So, we'll have fun to the hotel!" He said with a slow voice

"I'll think about it!" I said and I stood up from his lap and I sat next to him

"Oh come on!" He said laughing. I laughed as well, Lewis is the same guy I met back in 2017 and he is my love and I need him!

We arrived to Greece and I was so happy that I wanted to start kissing Lewis in front of everyone. We went to the hotel and I saw a romantic decoration

"Oh lala" I said sitting to the bed Lewis lied me to the bed and he started kissing my neck. I started moaned "Lewis..." he started moving but I pushed him

"STOP!" I said laughing

"Ew!" He started laughing and he kissed me

"Let's go to the beach!" Lewis said and I opened my suitcase Lewis was looking to my suitcase

"The black one is my favourite! I saw to a post on Instagram... And I want after the swimming and when we'll come back take it off of you!" He said and I looked at him laughing

"I'm not that easy Lewis!" I said trying to stop laughing

"With me without clothes? Oh yes you'll be! Believe me! I know you better than everyone!"

I changed to the bikini Lewis told me and we went to the beach

"Greece has the most beautiful beaches" I said as I lay to the deck chair

"Not as beautiful as you are!" He said and I smiled at him

"You're amazing!" I said with a childish grin

Him and I (Lewis Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now