cement stairs

13 1 0

They sit there in silence, each other's silence and smile.
It'd been a while since they last saw each other without stolen glances
And their veins did little dances pumping more blood than usual.
They sit there in silence, girl combing the boys hair to the side
With a small smile and the boy resting on her lap with his eyes closed,
Close to sleeping. And she's looking at how pretty he is with his
Eyes closed, how he seems so calm yet with a line of thought.
And he moves his head to look up at her, her stomach is spinning
Giddily. She really does like him. So she asks him to sit up straight
To look into his eyes. And he does.
And they talk, she asked for a kiss. And he gives it.
So, she misses him and he yearns for her, and she says it out loud to be
Returned with another kiss. Which she takes, raking every thing
She could like leaves on the floor during autumn.
She begins to comb his hair again.
They sit there in silence, each other's silence and smile.

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