268 10 2

December 4, 2018


"I'm sure it's just acting up," I chuckle, swiping my card again.


"Sir, you've tried four times," the gas station worker says. I sigh, putting the car back in my wallet.

"Never mind, then," I smile tightly, pushing the pack of cigarettes towards him and walking out of the gas station. My face drops as soon as I'm outside, and I roll my eyes, heading home. I'm too angry to think straight the entire way, and it isn't until I've slammed the door and gone to my room that I allow myself to explode. "Shit!" I yell, opening my bag and taking my test out. The big, red "F" is mocking me. If there's one thing I could use right now, it's a smoke, but of course, I can't do that anymore.

I pull my phone out, pacing back and forth as I dial mum's number. She answers on the third ring.


"Mum, how could you?" I groan. She sighs.

"Louis, rules are rules. I warned you, darling."

"It's one test! You barely gave me a chance to do better! This is completely unfair, you can't just control me like that because I'm not smart!" I don't care that I'm yelling, I refuse to let her do this to me. It's insane.

"But you are, we've seen it in past years. You just need to find that motivation to study and pay attention again. If this is what it takes, as your mother, I have to do it." 

"Don't try to act like you're my real mum," I laugh bitterly. "She'd never do this to me! She'd never take away my freedom and punish me for something that I don't even care about!"

"Louis, I know you don't mean that," she says, and I can hear the disappointment in her voice. It makes my stomach turn. "Like it or not, we're family, and I refuse to let you speak to me so disrespectfully. I hope when we talk next, you've cooled off."

"Whatever," I mutter.

"Love you, darling. Stay safe, and please, just try?"

"I have to go," I say coldly, hanging up the phone. I don't let myself think about our conversation, because I feel like I've just fucked things up. Instead, I dial the next number that comes to mind with all the anger that remains.

"Hey babe, what's up?" The voice answers.

"Ryan? I'll do it," I say. 


"The drugs," I clarify, swallowing the lump of nerves in my throat. "I'll sell them."


Okay, so maybe Louis is a bit of a rebel...

So what are your thoughts? Also, I know it's not a long chapter, so sorry, but now that I've gotten adjusted to school I'll hopefully update a little quicker. Don't expect weekly updates or anything, tho! Also, I'm glad everyone likes it! Anytime you comment asking for an update, I'll always try to get it out sooner!<3

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