Chapter 4 - Out of the Frying Pan ...

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"It is difficult to believe that you came through that metal circle at coordinate west-6-3, next to the Itutara river."

For the past hour the SG team has been questioned by two military officers and one civilian. At first it was a little difficult for the SG team to understand the questioners. Eventually, as the "language education" took hold, they were better able to converse. It took some time, but it appears that Dr. Jackson and Captain Carter have convinced their captors that they do not represent any of the foreign powers found in this part of the world. Though they haven't totally convinced them they are from another world, Teal'c's symbiote does make them wonder.

The civilian, a government representative who is working with the military to try to defuse the situation with Urghan, "If you are from another world, why come here now, when tensions between our country and others are running so high?"

"Well, Mr. Tamin," Carter says, "when we first tried to activate your gate, oh, several months ago, we weren't successful. Then, just a few days ago we tried again and it activated. Something must have happened to partially uncover it."

One of the military officers, a Lieutenant Har'l, says, "ah, it must have been when level four of the Khyto dam was destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Carter asks.

"Yes," the lieutenant says. "Three days ago, a small Urghan fleet attacked the city of Witheryn. While our forces were moving to defend it, a group of three corvettes flew to the Khyto dam. It is a series of four dams on the Itutara river. They generate a great amount of electricity. One of the corvettes had been converted into a bomb. They wished to fly it into the high dam, hoping its destruction would cause the lower dams to fail. Fortunately for us, our ground defenses forced them away from the high dam. Their only choice was to fly the bomb into the small lake behind the lower dam. When it detonated, the fourth dam collapsed and the lake emptied almost immediately, creating a thirty-foot high wall of water that washed down the river. Fortunately, people were warned when the attack began and were able to evacuate before the flood. Unfortunately, hundreds of homes were destroyed. The flash flood also severely eroded the riverbanks in many places. That is probably what uncovered your 'stargate'."

"Why would they attack the dam?" Dr. Jackson asks.

The lieutanant shrugs. "Why not. They are willing to do anything they can to damage or destroy our capabilities to fight much less live in peace. This is the calm season, allowing for much freer movement of each country's airships. It also means it is great fighting weather. Though military action can occur during the rest of the year, during those months the chances are that an airship will suffer as much damage from the weather as it would from cannon fire.

Dr. Jackson asks, "we don't understand what is happening or why. What can you tell us about your political situation?"

Mr. Tamin takes over the explanations. "Well, let's assume you know nothing about Sanctuum. Several hundred years ago a quasi-religious movement, with strange ideals of peace, tolerance, and individual freedom, appeared and began to gain converts. It started small, but quickly grew. Who knew its strange ideas would be so popular. It began to attract the attention of many people. Of course, any movement that might threaten the ways of the world can attract the wrong attention. The powers that be persecuted its followers, had them arrested, and worse. Our ancestors tried to avoid political entanglements but somehow always became entangled. They tried to be friends to all, but because they refused to select sides, they became enemies to many. They wanted to go someplace where they could live their lives in peace and avoid the problems that plagued them."

"Forced to move from town to town and from one region to another, they eventually moved to this land. No one lived here. Why?" The civilian shrugs. "No one really knows. Old writings contain rumors of strange people living here several thousand years ago. But when our ancestors arrived they found nothing but some ancient ruins on our eastern coast. They worked hard for almost three hundred years to make a go of it. The one small town on the coast grew, spawning the creation of other cities. The red and white stripes on our flag represent those original cities. We are blessed with minerals and other resources. That allowed us to grow and flourish. When the technological revolution hit a hundred or so years ago we were on the leading edge of it. By then the religious part had somewhat faded, but the other ideals flourished. We have done very well, some would say blessed by God or the gods, depending upon your belief. As a result we use our blessings to help others. We try to be neutral but to no avail. We aren't sure why our existence results in such hatred directed at us. For example, many in the countries northwest of Sanctuum cheered the partial destruction of the fourth Khyto dam. What they didn't realize was that most of the electricity generated by that destroyed dam went to their countries. They now demand we make up for the loss, but of course we cannot. Thus, they are blaming us when they or their neighbors' own governments were responsible. When a blight attacked crops in Caryopsin two seasons ago we provided enough to keep their people from starving. Were they grateful? No, they accused us of causing the blight and using it to cheat them."

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