14 (The poker game )

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The Poker Game


One afternoon after school a group of us, five in all, went to Adam's house to play cards. He'd received a set of poker ch.i.p.s and a deck of cards as a birthday gift from an uncle or someone and he wanted to try it out.

Adam's parents both work and he is an only child, lucky SOB, so we had the house to ourselves until around six pm when his mom got home. We kept it simple, just draw poker and five card stud. So after we played a few hands, those of us that didn't really know how to play caught on pretty fast.

Besides Adam, Danny, Paul, Barry, Craig and I (Rodney) were there. I didn't know Paul all that well. He was more Adam's friend than ours. He was Hispanic and bigger than the rest of us and let us know it.

Adam and the rest of us lived within a couple of blocks of each other and were pretty good friends. Danny was the smart one of the bunch, good looking and could do anything in sports. Craig was a black kid and fairly new to the neighborhood.

Anyway, we were playing when someone said it wasn't any fun just playing the same thing over and over.

That was when Adam suggested that it would really make it exciting if we played for money. After talking about it we agreed to meet again tomorrow afternoon and bring money with us.

After I got home I scrounged around for some money to play with. Since I'd just bought a new pair of Nike tennis shoes that weekend I was really broke. However, I knew where mom kept some spare money so I snuck out about twenty bucks to play with the next afternoon. I hadn't given much thought as to what would happen if I lost and couldn't replace it. Hey, even though eighteen, I was still a dumb teenager.

The next afternoon we all met at Adam's house again with our money. Adam played banker and sold everyone ch.i.p.s. To start with we all bought ten dollars' worth. After a short time I was up to close to twenty bucks in ch.i.p.s and thinking this game was really easy. That was before my string of bad luck hit. Before I knew it I was down to a couple bucks. Then I lost again and only had thirty cents. I tried to borrow some money from the other guys but no one wanted to give up what they had.

That was when Barry said, "Hey, I'll give you five bucks if you give me a blowjob." Not sure if he was joking or not, everybody stopped talking stopped and looked at me.

"No way," I quickly retorted. Next Craig giggled and then said that he would give me six dollars and followed by Paul's offer of seven.

With a real serious expression on his face, Adam said, "I'll give you ten and I'm not kidding."

Barry, who knew that I had stolen the money from my mom, reminded me that I needed to replace the money. When I looked questioningly around at everyone, they all encouraged me to do it. The thought of my mom finding the money missing and me having to tell her I took it and lost it gambling was weighing heavy on my shoulders. After all, I know I could never blame it on Jenny, my older sister. She was Miss Goody-Two-Shoes of the family and there was no way anyone was ever going to believe me over her.

So, I s.u.c.k.e.d in my breath and said, "Okay."

Suddenly everyone else was making cracks and saying, "Go for it" and stuff like that.

Hopefully I said, "Give me the money first."

"No way," Adam snapped, "You'll have to blow me first. Besides everyone here knows I'll owe you the money."

"Okay, but not in here," I replied, "It'll have to be in private."

That caused a symphony of groans from the other guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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