Chapter 7 - Shirokuma

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"Where are we?" - Ichika

"A bathhouse?" - Shun

The ground began to shake because of a loud thump

"What the" - Kutaro

"What is it this time?" - Eiji

Suddenly a white bear slide towards us

"Hello, I just loved everything white"

"I love pure white, I hate people with black hearts, so don't your dare lie to me"

"Tell the truth and it's over"

"What does that mean?" - Shun

"It's simple right? I'll ask some questions and you all answer truthfully if everyone tells the truth the game is over, but if someone tells a lie you'll need to choose a person as a sacrificial lamb each time. Cool?"

"Sacrificial lamb?"

That motherfucking polar bear i really hate that white bear

"Okay, first question"

"What is your favorite food?"

"What that's it?" Shun question

"If the questions are like this, It'll be a cinch"

"I'd have to say sushi"

"I like ramen"




"Rice Omelet"

"Millie Crepe"



The so called white bear jumped angrily

"Someone told a lie, who's the liar!?" - Eiji

"Identify the liar in two minutes, or I'll eat everyone of you!"

"Two minutes to go"

"Hey who lied? Identify yourself dammit!"

"Maybe it was you" - Amaya

"It wasn't me" - Eiji

"I told the truth too" - Kutaro

"Then prove it?" - Yukio

"Give me a break you know it's impossible! You look at me like that but where's your own proof? By all means present it" - Kutaro

"E-Everyone calm down" - Shun

"I'm perfectly calm" - Kutaro

"It's goody two shoes like you that i can't trust" - Yukio

"Wait why would we lie about our favorite food?" Haru stopped them

"Yeah that's the point" I said while acting suspicious

"One minute to go"

"There's no more time" - Amaya

"You said parsley right?" - Eiji

"Yeah" - Kutaro

"Right, Right!? Who the hell loves parsley!?" - Eiji

I really hate this eiji guy in the movie but i can't really blame him he just wanted to live

"We all have our favorites!" - Yukio

"Hey no i don't buy it!" - Eiji

"I don't either" - Kutaro

"Huh!?" - Yukio

"You're almost out of time, Who's the liar?"

Eiji voted yukio

"What!?" - Yukio

"It's you" - Eiji

"Okay sure" - Amaya

"Hey no no, I really do like parsley..." - Yukio

Yukio died i really pitty him but call me heartless but i really don't care if he die as long as it's not me

"I am fond of Shun Takahata"

"Yes or No?"

"What?" - Shun

"No!" - Eiji

"No" - Kutaro

"No" - Haru

"Yes" - Amaya

"How about the girls?"

"Well i grew up with him and we do have that bond so if i have to choose I'd say yes" - Ichika

"That sounds so forced" - Shun

"I say yes" - Shoko

"Yes" I said and shun, ichika, shoko looked at me shock

Amaya was now looking at me with his eyebrow furrowed he glared at shun

"Popular with the ladies, aren't you? And what about yourself?"

"I say no" - Shun

"You imbeciles! Someone told a lie again! Who's the liar!?"

"This is bullshit!" - Eiji

"Wait a second you tried to kill us so how could you care for shun?" Ichika said while looking at amaya

"To kill and to love are the same" - Amaya

"Takahata maybe you're the liar here is there anyone who actually doesn't like himself?" - Kutaro

"Wait! What about haru and y/n they are super quiet" - Eiji

Excuse me?

"Right maybe it was y/n how could she like Takahata they didn't even know each other!" - Kutaro

"Wait! I like him but not in a romantic way" I said while raising my eyebrow

Haru walk towards me and tried to hide me on his back

Wait? This wasn't supposed to happen

"Yeah i don't believe that y/n would lie" Haru said

"Uko, Haru and I know each other from Daitendo Academy Takahata, Ichika and Amaya went to Misora High together" - Kutaro

"Which is the enemy infiltrator is either shoko or y/n" - Kutaro

"Don't you dare vote y/n" Amaya said while glaring at kutaro

Kutaro and Eiji voted at shoko shun tried to stop them but amaya pointed at shoko too and laugh like crazy

Geez what a psycho

The bear killed shoko i can't take this anymore

"You asshole you're the one who's been lying here why would we lie when our lives is on the line!" I shout while pointing at the bear

Amaya smirked at me he probably didn't think that i would figure it out too

I don't care if im stealing shun's spotlight but i can't take it anymore fuck the plot!

"What do you mean?" Ichika ask

"This whole game is a lie from the beginning and there were never any of them disguised as one of us takase's blood is what gave it away"

The bear is now exposing it's true colors it was black

"Game Over!"

"The six of you, you live you live"

"We need to live this place right now this palace is about to collapse!" I shout and run towards the exit

Haru just stood there he just gave me a farewell smile i was about to go back but amaya stopped me

"What are you doing!?" I shout at him

"Do you want to die!" He shouted back

The place finally collapse and we all made it out alive except haru...

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