thirty nine

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"Tell me, brother, did you fall for her?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, then took a sip of his whiskey. "I did not fall for anyone."

"Oh, really now?" Clarabelle sliced the chocolate cake with the spoon and put it in her mouth. "Damn, this cake is so good. Are you sure you don't want to try?"

"No. Also, I thought you want to get some advice from me?" He placed his glass on the table and leaned back, the back of his shirt rubbing against the leather of his chair.

"Nah, I would go to Maxon or Reed or Dex for that," answered her, clearly proving him to be right. Clarabelle would not go for his third older brother if she needed advice. That fact oddly did not bother him. There were eight of them and one did not just come to everyone for the advice. He himself would always go to Piers and when Piers was not around, he went to Thorton, their oldest.

"I know that already but I am still curious as to why you asked for me anyway. Thus why I came and now I have found the reason." He finished his whiskey and adjusted his tie. "I should go now that my curiosity is satisfied."

"Oh, no. You are not running away from me now," she caught his hand before he stood. "Do you love her, Jav?"

He gave her a look of boredom. "I do not love her, persistent little sister."

"Really?" Clarabelle lifted one brow. "Then why did you two get engaged?"

"If you must know, it was just an act to throw Mom off my back. She has been pressuring me to have a relationship. Something other than casual flings."

"Oh, wow. You went to that length to get away from Mom's pesterings, huh."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Sebastian shrugged his shoulders without care.

"Okay. You do not love her and it is just a ruse. So there is nothing between you two, right?"


"Then are you okay if I set her up with Max?"

A frown formed on his forehead as he asked, "Max?"

"Maxon. Our brother. He is single and I think it is time for him to settle down with someone nice." She shrugged one shoulder, her eyes fixed on his. "I just happen to think that 'that someone' could be Andin."

"Mom does not like her," he reasoned.

"Maybe for now," said Clarabelle as she took the last bite of her chocolate cake and wiped her mouth with the napkin. "But I am sure if Maxon really likes her, he could reason with Mom. He could tell her how much he loves her and convinces her that Andin is the one for him. You know how our mother is. She believes in true love, mostly because she has found it with Dad. If Maxon convinces her that Andin is his true love, I am pretty sure Mom will be on board."

Sebastian suddenly felt the need to order another glass of whiskey. Or perhaps something stronger.

"You have not answered my question, Jav."

His jaw tightened. "What question?"

"Are you okay if I set her up on a date with Maxon?" reiterated her earlier question.

Sebastian did not say anything for a minute. His mind was filled with thoughts of Andin and Maxon. Would he be able to see them together? Would that be okay? He wanted her for himself. Fuck, he could not let them be together. But what could he say? They were not dating. There were no strings between them. He had absolutely no right to say no. Even when that was all he wanted to say.

"Sebastian? Brother?" Clarabelle's voice put his train of thoughts to a stop. "What do you say?"

He rose to his feet and looked her sister in the eye. "Do whatever you like, Sister. You do not need to ask my permission. The answer is in Miss Williams's hand."

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