My baby • Part 2

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Bey's POV

I have been dealing with Blue and her nightmares. As well as funeral arrangements. She grew up in the south. He father wants her to have it down there so he can go. But the means police going. And that's something Blue can't handle.

She wanted to go to school but we have to travel down the same road Y/n was shot on. And now there is police that sit there so nobody puts any more candles and stuff. Ass holes. She had a panic attack when she saw the police car.

"Mama. What if we put her in purple." Blue said as I struggled to pick a suit to put my baby in

"Purple?" I question

"Ma I'm 11 not stupid. Her gang color was purple. She actually liked that color." She said then went back to picking over her food

Another thing I have been dealing with. Getting her to eat. Not going to lie I have been skipping meals to but I put on a front to get her to eat. I have had nothing but phone calls and different post I have been tagged in just reminding me of my sweet baby.

"How about we get her friends to wear their colors and she wears white with purple accents." I said

I'm not dumb I know if I have this funeral where she grew up it's going to be jam packed with her gang. I'm not going to stop them either. I just have to make sure there is enough space where ever it will be.

"Who is going to carry her?" Blue asked now sitting beside me

"I have to call her bestfriend." I said

"I'll call her." She said getting on her phone

"Hey Blue Blue." Kamiya said answering the FaceTime. Not gone lie she looks terrible

"My mama wanna talk to you." She said then handed me the phone

"Hey ma." She said smiling

"Hey baby. How are you?" I asked genuinely

"I'm making it I guess. How are you?" She said then a baby cried

"Is the kk?" I asked

"Yes ma'am." She said then showed her

Kamiya is a teen mom and a year old than Y/n. Her and Y/n grew up together. You never seen one without the other unless Y/n was out here. Even when they were mad at each other they still went out together. When she became pregnant she made Y/n the God parent. Kk is about 9 months

"Hey tanka." I said smiling

"You never answered my question ma." She said

"I'm here." I said

"I need you to talk to one of Y/nn's friends." I said giving her a look

"Oh. Okay about what?" She asked feeding Kk a bottle

"Being pallbearers. And I need there shirt size. I'm getting shirts made." I said

"Alright I'll text Jiz. You know the block gone be hot right. They already causing hell here." She said

"Yeah I know. I'll figure it out. It's going to be a while. But it should be next week or so. I have to fly her body out." I said

"You know you can call me okay." I said

"Yes ma'am I'll call you later okay." She said

"Alright." I said

We said our goodbyes. And I just sat in my thoughts.

Blue Ivy POV

I have been chilling honestly. My dad had been keeping my mind off things. My mama has been too. I just haven't been able to eat tho. And I can't stand to see a cop. I break down bad. I honestly haven't thought about her being dead. I just pretend she is here. At least until we see her get buried.

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