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The next morning, Ara was about to take a bath before meeting Jimin. She maintained her act of depression. When she went to her closet, Taehyung came there.

"Ara, wear this black sweatshirt today. This will be comfortable", he said as he handed it to her.

"Okay", she said and went to take a bath. Locking the door, she silently checked the whole sweatshirt and found the microphone.

'As I had predicted, you have set this here ', she thought as she hung the sweatshirt on the hook and went for a bath. She did not mess with the microphone and let it be there. She wore it and went outside, to see Taehyung standing at the door.

"I have a meeting today. So, I came to say goodbye. Enjoy your time with Jimin", he said as he kissed her and went downstairs to his car.

"Bye Tae", she said.

Jimin came after half an hour. He knocked on the door and Ara opened it.

"Hi, Bud. How are you", said Jimin as he hugged her.

"Hey Chim", she said as she hugged him back. "I am not good. I told you that yesterday", she said.

"So, let's talk about it. I want you to feel better. It was so difficult to make you happy after his-" when he was cut off by Ara.

"No, I want to do sketching with you. It was our favorite hobby, remember? Let's go to my room. I have all my material there", she said as she pulled Jimin with her. He was about to speak but she signaled him to keep quiet. They went to her workroom, where she worked on her cases at home.

"Jim, take these sheets. I'll get the pens and pencils from the case", she said as she handed him a dozen drawing sheets loosely, and some of the sheets fell off his hands. He quickly picked those up. That is when he saw that something was written on a sheet. He was going to keep it back, but then he saw the title 'READ IT IN YOUR HEAD, JIMIN' in bold. He read it.

'Jimin, stay silent. Act normally while reading this. Do not show any serious expression nor speak anything about it right now. The thing I am going to tell you is that Taehyung is very dangerous.'

He was cut off when Ara came to him with pens.

"Jim, sit here on the couch. I am getting an object that we can draw", she said as she went out of the room, giving him the time to read it completely. He hummed a song while reading the sheet so that it looked normal and casual. He started to read it further.

'I want you to help me. Taehyung is V, the ruthless, cruel mafia. And I verified it myself. Now, act like you are drawing something casually on this sheet with a pen, and then act like you destroyed the art mistakenly. Then, crumple this sheet into a ball and throw it in the dustbin near my desk. Try to search for it.'

The letter ended there. Jimin acted the same and threw the sheet in the bin after crumpling it into a ball. Ara came into the room while holding a snow globe.

"Let's start. I got this snow globe to draw", she said as she kept it on the table before the couch.

"With pen or pencil", Jimin asked.

"I think a pencil would do good", Ara replied. They both took a 2B pencil each to draw the initial sketch of the snow globe. Ara started to scribble something on her sheet without making much noise. Since Jimin was sitting right next to her on the couch, he saw her writing something on the sheet. Jimin was already in shock to know that Taehyung, his close friend, was a mafia.

"Jimin, see this. Is it good", Ara made him come out of his thoughts while showing him her sheet. There was no drawing but something was written on the sheet.

'Jimin, there is a microphone attached to my sweatshirt. Don't speak anything about V or Sam.'

"Yeah, it is good, but you can do this better like this", he said as he took her sheet and wrote on it. He then gave it to her.

'Are you in danger?'

"See, you have to draw like this. Now, erase it and draw again", Jimin said as he handed her an eraser.

"Okay", she said as she erased the whole sheet and then wrote her response. She then handed the sheet to Jimin again to read it.

'I am safe for now, but he is very clever. I don't know for how long I am safe. That is why I need your help to escape.'

"Yeah, it is perfect now. Let me draw on my sheet too", he said as he took his sheet and started to write on it. After writing, he showed it to her. "See mine", he said while smiling at her.

'But escaping is not the solution. You should confront him first.'

She wrote after reading his reply. And then she said.

"Oh no! I damaged it. I have to take a new sheet now", she said as she crumpled it and threw it into the dustbin. She took a new sheet and wrote on it. After writing it completely, she showed it to him.

'Jim, T might call you today asking about me. You will hesitate first but then tell him about Sam and my tragedy. Tell him the truth. Tell him that I did not want him to know this because I felt that he would leave me too if he knew about it. Tell him that you told him this because you were worried for me. And then, tell him that you trust him a lot on this issue. Ask him to encourage me to start going to work again. I will find a day to talk to you about all this.'

This is beautiful Ara. You drew it so well. Keep it up", Jimin said while smiling at her.

"Now, let's finish this art", he said. She started to scribble again and after some time, she interrupted him.

"I am done. See this till I am back from the washroom ", she said as she gave him her sheet and went to the bedroom. Jimin read it further.

'Jim, there might be hidden cameras all over the house. And our phones are definitely tapped. So, don't call me. I am going to get two new numbers tomorrow from a client who deals in these things. I will message you on that number about this whole situation. Come to my office tomorrow to pay me a surprise visit. I will give you the sim tomorrow. For now, try to talk to me about my depression, the minute I come back. Also, I have already made two slightly different snow globe pencil sketches, so don't worry. We will show those to Taehyung if he asks us to show him our creations. And please, if you want to talk about this, never speak. Write it down with a pencil and then erase it or destroy the sheet!'

"I am back", she said as she sat down next to him.

"Ara, you know why I am here. Tell me why you feel like this suddenly", Jimin asked as he held her hand with concern.

"Tae's behavior made me remember him again. I felt that pain again, the pain I had when I lost him. But please don't tell him. I don't want Tae to know about him", she said in a sad voice.

"I won't. So, let's talk about something else. Tell me about a recent case you are working on", Jimin said.

"Come with me to my desk. I will show you", she said as they went to her desk. They talked about the case as Ara took out the two sketches from one of the case files and placed those on the table. After talking for some more time, it was time for Jimin to leave.

"I hope you feel light after talking to me", he said as he hugged her once again.

"Hmm. I do", she said in a slightly better voice, but the sadness was still evident.

"Oh wait! I forgot to burn the sheets we wasted. Hold on, let me burn these", Ara said as she quickly got a matchbox from her desk and lighted a match. She threw it into the dustbin. All the pages burnt completely. She opened the window to let the smoke out. All the evidence of their talk was destroyed.

Jimin bid her goodbye as he went to his restaurant to work. Ara felt her hopes rising.

On the other hand, Taehyung, who was listening to their whole conversation, did not find anything fishy. He was just curious to know about the man they talked about, the man who left Ara and made her depressed. 

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