Chapter 1: Villain's Inheritance Part 1

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Note on how to read this:

*: for locations and time
": Titles of the person, Remarks
~: Flashbacks
^: Notes
() : Inside talks (basically mind talks), giving some side info and meanings
|: Characterization (the characters or places origin in a kind of narration) but also shows more info about a specific frame, reward, contract, or to what the mc and other characters writing in their book and some information.
': Narration
°: emotions the person has when talking
{}: sound effects

That is all hope you enjoy reading💗

Also, the name of the author:
Madam Tophat✨️

*December 31, 2025, at 11:37 pm*
*New York, L.A*

'Andrei is running through a crowd of people while being chased by his bullies.....'

Andrei: Huff... huff.

Bully 1: Run Faster Idiots! He'll get away if we don't catch him!!!

Bully 2: Easy For you to say, dude!

Bully 3: Yeah!


'Andrei is a parentless boy when he was 9 because his father left him while his mother died due to a car accident, Andrei has a small tin body and a crippled face which made him an easy target for the bullies.'

'During Highschool he was mostly picked on to bully in his class, he tried to report this to his homeroom teacher but the teacher laughed and told/insulted him about what they were going to do about it when he was a parentless and poor child able to enter school because of the sympathy of the principal.'

'Years later the bully got even worse when he was at college the bullies made all sorts of rumors about him being an alcoholic and an abuser to the point the other class as well as his believed it and started abusing him.'

'This caused Andrei to have extreme depression which led to him wanting to end this misery, so one day during Christmas a few hours before the new year Andrei holds a knife pointing it to his neck reminiscing all the things that happened to him so he could end his life.'

'but suddenly when he was about to, someone knocked on his apartment door, and surprise it was the bullies, terrified he made a run for it and since he was only on the 1st floor of his apartment, his bathroom window is connected to the backyard so he crawls through the window and started running and this where things now started.'

~End of Flashback~

'Andrei ran as fast as he could passing street after street while catching his breath, while the bullies were almost behind him but stopped because all of them were tired, then one of the bullies thought of a plan so he spoke.'

Bully 2: Hey Brat! Get back here! We're not going to hurt you °sarcasm°

Bully 1: Yeah kid what are you running for? °joking°

'The bullies shout these words out loud which made the crowd look at them. Andrei was scared of the gazes of others but he didn't want to show it, then one of the bullies spoke again.'

Bully 3: Hey Andrei didn't you say you wanted to hang out with us why are you running?

'The gossip now began around them which irritated Andrei.'

Andrei: (lies, All LIES!)

'Andrei then started running again without saying anything which made the bullies react and started running also.'

'The people watched the chase of the two as they ran street by street again. But when Andrei was about to cross a streetwalk a truck suddenly drove in front of him.'

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