Chapter Sixteen

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Looking up the mountain set off a curling dread of fear in my chest. The thought that within the next few hours we would be climbing up it had nervousness running laps through my veins. Today was the day.

Either we got to the Lyre before the other Dragon-borns, or we didn't. That was why we were starting now when the sun had only just appeared over the edge of the horizon.

Larc had mentioned he was going to check the surrounding area for any shadowed creatures so we didn't get attacked while we climbed. The arduous task was going to be difficult enough without the threat of strange beasts following our trail. Before he left, he hadn't mentioned anything about last night, about how close we had been and the temptation of the kiss that had wrapped around us, and I couldn't tell if that was for the best.

While Larc ensured our safety, Haera and I prepared everything else for our ascent.

"We need to talk," my sister announced, setting the satchel in her hands on the ground and crossing her arms. She never used that tone and those words unless it was something serious. The past times she used that phrase, Haera had turned into an even scarier version of herself.

"What's wrong?" I stopped wrapping a fresh bandage around my wounded hand and gave her my full attention. I wouldn't be able to get the exact tightness that Larc had wrapped the muslin with before, so perhaps it was best to wait until he came back.

"A lot of things." Her eyes scanned the trees for any sign of life. "I'll make it quick before the Dragon-born gets back. For starters, you're getting too comfortable around him."

"Why is that an issue? Larc hasn't done anything wrong." I had thought Haera was becoming less hostile towards him after he gave her the book we found in the tower, but she had other ideas.

"I was watching your whole escapade last night because I couldn't sleep either and it took all the will I have not to throw a dagger at his throat. For the Goddess's sake Zo, you were about to kiss him! Do you realise he's most likely using you for his own gain?"

I flinched at her words. "He wouldn't do that."

"And how do you know that? Sure, I don't hate him as much as I did a few days ago, but he's still not trustworthy!" She stepped closer to me and lowered her voice. "You saw what those other Dragon-borns did right in front of us, do you not think Larc could do the same? They're cruel by nature."

"No, I don't think Larc could do the same." I stood my ground, wondering how far away Larc was and if he could hear any of our conversation. "He wants to help the humans, Haera, not hurt us."

"That doesn't mean he isn't callous in different ways."

"He hasn't proven to be heartless in any shape or form so far, so I don't think you need to judge him so harshly." I closed the distance between us and held her arm with my uninjured hand. "Please, give him a chance. I've said this before, but trust him until he finds a way to break it. He doesn't deserve the way you're treating him after everything he's been through."

"Once all of this is over, when the Lyre is destroyed and we return home, what do you think will happen? The Dragon-born is going to leave us and continue on with his life no matter what your feelings are for him." I had to admit I hadn't thought that far in advance. "And when we get back to the village, we need to find our mother and leave for a bigger city, one with a lot more guards. Silverwood will be the main target for the war, even if the Lyre is destroyed, so we need to get as far away from it as possible."


"No buts, this is for our safety. I'm even tempted to leave for another kingdom altogether."

I knew she was right, but Silverwood was our home — the only place we had lived for our entire lives. We had never visited anywhere else as cart travel was too expensive and other towns were too far to visit on foot. Did we really just have to pick up and leave everything behind?

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