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Kaori Sasaki is a low-paid animator working in Japan.

This was not the future she pictured she sighs with full regrets. 'I thought doing this job would be easy. I mean, going to art school for six years was not that difficult. there were ups and downs, but I still made it work. What the f*ck happened now? and I thought getting this job would give me access to spoilers. I guesse it did, but at what cost? I have not gone home for three days straight; I haven't laid in a comfortable bed in a while. Oh, how I miss it!'

As she was regretting being alive, a sudden voice interrupted her "Excuse me, miss Sasaki? The director called for all of us in the meeting room." Tenosuke; The only person she knew before working here was kaori's classmate in junior high, but they never talked before. He was in the baseball club but still really great at drawing. His seat is right next to her in art class. she sometimes see his arts she used to find him attractive like, every girl in school.'

"Uhm, yeah, I'll be right there!" Kaori replied.

When the director entered, everyone in the room fell silent for a moment, and everyone greeted him.

"Okay guys, we need to release Attack on demons season 4 in three months so I need the animators to hurry on the last episode and character designs to make sure the character is all the same in every frame, and with the background artist, the same goes to you. Don't mess up our schedule; our schedule is very tight; we can't afford to go back and forth. I know time is not on our side, but I know we can do this; let's go!"

As Kaori exit the meeting room, her mind were full of thoughts: 'Ugh, I'm a character designer; I can't believe this. I thought working on this project would be fun;  Most of my classmates are now big artists; one even has her own manga she published, and here I am, single and struggling.'  While Kaori was thinking and disconnected from the real world, she didn't see the guy in front of her, causing her to crash into his back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, looking up. "Tenosuke! I'm so sorry; I've not been paying attention." Kaori rumbled

"Hey, it's fine," he replied, "honestly the same; I mean, in this tight schedule! Guess who will not go home for days and who will be in their right mind right now?" he laughs.

"Yeah, you're right; I don't think I can survive with my mind barely functioning. I don't even think I can still draw any longer." Kaori joked

"Well, I know you can do it; I remember you drawing a lot in junior high and being really good at it," he exclaimed. "Just do your best; alright, see you around."

Kaori's POV

'It's been hours since I went back to work. I didn't leave the studio for 2 days, so after I finish this animation I've been working on, I can go home for a day and go back to my comfortable bed and hopefully sleep forever.'

'Ugh, thank the stars, I'm done!' As I gathered my stuff, Tenosuke faced me and asked

"Going home?" ' What's up with this guy? We have been working together for a year, and not once has he tried to have conversations until now.

"Oh yeah, I'm done with half of my work. I'll finish the rest the day after tomorrow. I need some sleep and alone time for me to function well again. I'll be going now; goodbye."

"Yeah, goodbye, be safe!"

Exiting the room, I could feel his eyes on me. 'What is wrong with him? Is he trying to kill me? He's probably making plans to get me fired. What does he even want from me?' As I exit the building, I hear my name being called.

"Kaori!" Tenosuke yelled

'Ugh, it's him again.' looking at him I tilt my head "Hmm?" 

"I think this is your phone," he said as he gave me the phone that I forgot.

"Ohh thanks!" I exclaimed. "Bye again."

As I walked toward the train station, I just stared at my phone, looking through social media while blasting music with my headphones on. As I crossed the street, I didn't hear or see a truck that was heading towards me at full speed, and when I finally looked up from my phone, the truck hit me.

'Oh f#ck, this is embarrassing. I can't believe I got hit by a truck, and it's 4 p.m., which means a lot of people saw me get hit.

I f#cking wish I didn't survive this, and damn, I wasted my adult life doing a job that I don't even enjoy anymore. I wanted to write my own manga, but I was so afraid of failing. What would my family think if I failed as a mangaka? I'd be an embarrassment for the rest of my life.

Why the hell is my thought so slow yet so fast? Oh, how I failed as an adult. I mean, I still have many things I want to do, like have children, just without the pain of pregnancy. I still want to be a Burkina mom. traveling the world and living in a small village in Italy or Switzerland There are so many regrets. I wish I could go back and tell my past self to not care about what anyone thought. Goodbye, cruel world; thank you for nothing. Maybe in another life, I won't struggle to live.

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Hi guys how was it?

Also I had a dream where my whole family commited su!c!de idk why but i was so scared for some reason (cause if it happened in real life i probably be the first one to pull the trigger) anyways when everyone killed themselves and its only me was left i was so relieved i didn't die but then the gun starts floating in the air and starts shooting everywhere and shot me i then wake up in a another universe where i was my aunts daughter and we have pointy ears and nose lol

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