Hypothetical Situations

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Sunlight filtered in through the windows, casting Y/N in a golden glow as she moved about in the kitchen. Her hair was pulled back away from her face and she was quietly humming along to the music in her earbuds as she cleaned up after Sherlock's latest experiment. She turned around, jumping slightly as her eyes landed on the tall, curly-haired man leaning against the fridge.

"Jesus, Sherlock. You scared me." Y/N chuckled, removing her earbuds while he smirked at her. She simply rolled her eyes as she walked up to the fridge, opened it, and stuck a label inside. Sherlock eyed her in confusion. "I've organized the fridge for you so now there's a specific spot for your human... bits." She chuckled.

"Oh. Thank you." Sherlock smiled, feeling an oddly warm sensation spreading through him when he heard her laugh.

"Yeah. John went to work a few hours ago and I was bored." Y/N shrugged, spinning around to face the table again, sorting through a pile of papers, which mainly consisted of apartment listings. "John's working a double shift, by the way. Won't be home till late."

"Perfect." Sherlock grinned to himself, walking up behind Y/N and circling his long arms around her waist. She smiled as he pressed a feather-light kiss to her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. "I've got another thought experiment for you."

"Mmm, my favourite." Y/N cooed, turning around to face the detective, who still had his arms around her waist. Ever since their first case together a few weeks ago, with the Chinese criminal cartel known as the Black Lotus, Sherlock had begun making up hypothetical crimes for Y/N to solve. He claimed it was for practice, to help train her mind, but really it wasn't necessary. Sherlock knew that she was clever, almost as smart as him. He just enjoyed spending time with Y/N, watching the way her eyebrows would furrow, and how she would absentmindedly bite the knuckle on her index finger.

"So." Sherlock began, gazing into Y/N's eyes peering up at him. "Let's say we went out for dinner tonight."

"Okay..." Y/N nodded, confusion written across her face.

"And I—hypothetically, of course—asked you..." He shuffled his feet slightly, pink dusting his sharp cheekbones. "To be my girlfriend. What would you say?"

"Oh?" Y/N quirked an eyebrow, smirking up at him. "I see. Hypothetically?"

"Y-yes." Sherlock nodded, eyes searching over her face for an answer.

"I would say yes." She smiled up at the shocked expression on his face. "Yes, of course, you stupid man."

"Well then." Sherlock sighed, his usual flirtatious attitude returning as his grip tightened on her waist. "How about dinner tonight?"

"Sounds lovely." Y/N smiled, pushing up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips.

"I'll make a reservation then." Sherlock chuckled deeply, swooping down to capture Y/N's soft lips again. She melted into it, moulding herself against him as one hand trailed up to his soft, brown curls.

A ringing filled the flat, causing the couple to break apart. Y/N grabbed her phone, sighing slightly as she saw who was calling. She mumbled an apology, holding the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Greg."

While she talked to the inspector, Sherlock peppered kisses along her jaw, smirking against her skin as her breath hitched. Continuing down her neck, he chuckled when she let out a small gasp as he reached the sensitive spot below her ear. "Quiet, Y/N." He whispered huskily, nipping her earlobe gently. "Don't want Lestrade to find out, do we?"

"Hmm? I-uhm, I'm fine." Y/N spoke into the phone, biting her lip to refrain from making any noise when Sherlock's lips continued down along her collarbone. "Yep. On my way. I'll see you soon." She quickly hung up, tossing her phone on the table. Sherlock straightened up, smirking at Y/N. She huffed. "You're an arsehole."

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