One Inn Room

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On horseback, if traveling at a normal speed, I estimated the ride from Wildewall to the Serpentine Mountains would take about two weeks. If you made haste, buying a new, well-rested horse in every town on the way and forgoing most of your sleep, perhaps a week.

Flying and not having to take the roads into account was obviously the faster choice. Oleander and I would keep our time advantage, but I was not happy at all with the prospect of being up in the sky for several days. Eager to find an excuse to travel by horseback and stay on the ground, I glanced at the scratches and bruises on Oleander's face.

"Are you able to fly that long with your wounds?" I asked. "Would traveling by horse not be better?"

Oleander touched a cut on his jaw. "I've had worse," he said. "If we fly, we're faster."

"True," I conceded. "But do I need to be in the mountains when the elves turn back, or could I just touch the gem here? In the forest. On the ground."

Oleander raised a brow. "You can touch it here, but how would you know when I arrive at the mountains? If the elves awaken without guidance or someone to explain to them what happened like I did, this will not end well."

"...Yes, that would be most unfortunate."

I grimaced, and Oleander finally seemed to pick up my reasons to be reluctant.

"I can carry you with both claws," he offered. "You will be more comfortable during flight than you were in one claw."

I pulled a face. "The words comfortable and flight do not belong in the same sentence. Being in the literal sky as a ground-bound human is insane."

Oleander chuckled. "If you wish to know me as I truly am, a bit insane is part of the deal, my lord." He eyed the open field. "Once I shift again, I can't change back until we arrive at the mountains. The change takes a lot of energy. I'm injured, and this would already be my third shift today."

"So, we're really doing this." I sighed. "By the thunder god's beard. Do we need ground, err, sky rules when you're a dragon? Growl once for yes and twice for no? Spit fire when there's danger?"

"We don't need rules. I can't speak, but I will understand what you say." Oleander smiled briefly at me before his expression darkened. He looked at the queen's staff, hesitated, and finally jutted it in my direction. "Under no condition touch the gem and stay where you are."

I accepted the staff from Oleander's hands. It was light, but still felt heavy to hold. The Changeling and its dark origins weighted me down. I was holding the souls of hundreds who were sacrificed in the name of this gem. "No need to warn me not to touch the evil artefact or get trampled by a dragon," I muttered to Oleander's retreating back.

Oleander walked far away from the flowers. I stayed seated on the log, and watched in awe as Oleander tossed my cloak on the ground and did the same as he'd done in the city. His arms and legs extended first. Then his spine bulged out of his back and formed bumps that would soon become wings. Scales erupted from Oleander's skin and he rapidly grew larger, expanding until he was a full-sized dragon.

I had more time to calmly look at Oleander here than I'd had in the city. Not that there was anything about a gigantic dragon standing right in front of me that made me calm. One bite, and I'd be cleaved into two Laurences. One sweep of a claw, and I'd be crushed into a pulp like grapes for wine. I hadn't even mentioned the fire-breathing yet. 

My heart pounded in my throat. Oleander seemed to realise he would send me running if he made any sudden movements or even breathed out too loudly. Slowly, he lowered his face between his front claws and pressed his body to the ground so I could look directly into his emerald eyes. He stared at me unblinkingly while I gathered the courage to approach the giant beast. The beast I'd once been sworn to fight to the death.

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