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“Is that all?”

The girl whose name on her tag reads Kate asked. Her eyebrows puckered, and a small smile played on her lush lips. Her brown eyes darted here and there as if she was frightened I would pounce on her any moment.

People often have that impression whenever they come close to me. Except for those that knew how harmless I was.

Perhaps it was my six feet, two inches height or the scowl I frequently spot on when I noticed girls were throwing a suggestive wink my way.

Whichever it was, I didn't care.

What I loathed the most was handling interviews with any applicants interested in the company because the people I frequently leave in charge, most especially Ellen, were too soft-hearted and terribly sympathetic. Thus, accepting the wrong people.

It had always been like this since I opted to take care of the family's business. I was the oldest of five children, making it a good choice to take rein of things.

Naturally, I was business orientated, whereas my other siblings had ventured into something else.

Kellen and Liam were twins and desired to be a mad scientist, much to dad's chagrin because he believed it to be worthless for a person from an aristocratic family. Whereas Sparkles, the last daughter and fifth child, had gone into modelling.

Only Ellen, who came after I had stayed close by. At least she had better knowledge of business than the rest of the three.

They all wanted a normal life and loathed to be referred to with any titles, just like me.

I would rather prefer to be at the Super Bowl game that was going on now than to be here.

Although, it was a dangerous place to be in because of the people allowed in sometimes.

“That's all. A message will be delivered if we offer you the job.” I said, and I watched her face lit up with a smile.

“Thank you.” She beamed.

I swivelled on the chair I sat on, facing the only source of light in the room, as the black-haired beauty left. She reeks, and I was glad the interview was over with, for I wouldn't last another minute with the perfume she used.

The food I ate before leaving the house regurgitated in my throat, and I had to shove it down to avoid vomiting all over my office.

Snatching my phone off the table, I swiped at it, then I chuckled as the video I took earlier popped on the screen.

Her cherub face glowed as she gripped the edge of her crib, her lips a pleasant shade of pink parted whilst mumbling baby words, and a dimple peaked out from both cheeks, making her the more adorable. Her grey eyes reminded me of the storm and her.

Ever since she left, I had never been the same. Though I had many affairs around, they weren't like her. My heart and soul would belong to her forever. Heck, it seemed to be dead, as I didn't find any of the beauties in this company even the least attractive.

The only person not shy about making a move was Claire. She had been bold, despite how over her, I was. She didn't back down.

Claire was an Omega and, according to the werewolves' pack, they were the lowest-ranked. Still, she didn't conceal how she felt towards me, even if it came off coy most of the time.

There was one time, because of her never-ending advance, Ellen, and Sparkles had gone one on one with her. The three were strong, however, Ellen was the strongest. She was cautious not to break Claire's bone in the process of the brawl.

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