Chapter Four - Popcorn and War Tactics

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(AN: Sorry again for the time between updates, Wattpad won't let me upload from my regular computer, writing is hard, and I have the memory of a goldfish, so uploading consistently is like chasing a cat. I do have chapter five written, I just have to finish a brief interlude and I'll put it up! Also, I did change some character details, so if there seems to be inconsistency between chapters then shhhhhh (Most notably Sunny's full name and Forest's powers, but I'll edit and fix everything eventually). Thanks so much for waiting, and I appreciate all the comments and support! Enjoy my gays being cute and having wholesome friendships <3)

Sorin opened one of their eyes and peeked out at Cody next to them on the couch, who was leaning forward in her seat looking at the food on screen.

"That shit looks like it slaps so impossibly hard," Cody muttered, leaning back again to watch the next part. She grabbed a handful of the popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table in front of her, tossing a few pieces into her mouth while watching the screen with wide eyes. Sorin shook their head a little bit, closing their eyes again and pressing their face into the couch pillow.

"It'll turn you into a pig," Sorin mumbled, their voice clouded by the desire for sleep.

Cody set down her popcorn, nudging them playfully as she shifted positions. "Yeah, but it'd probably be worth it. I'd be the hottest pig in the pigpen anyway."

"Mhmm. Right." Sorin yawned and pulled the blanket up towards their neck, with every intent of just falling asleep right then and there. Their warmth was stolen, however, when Cody tugged their blanket off and onto her lap.

"Come on! You can NOT fall asleep on me, especially since the movie just started!"

"How dare you deprive me of my sleep? Foul creature." Sorin sat up and groaned, flopping over and leaning on Cody so they could pull the blanket back around themself. They nestled in by her shoulder, slowly pulling the blanket away from her and back onto themself. "Plus, somebody picked this movie instead of Howl's Moving Castle like I voted, and this one is boring." This led them to thinking about the plot of the movie, and how the magical creatures in it had cool concept art, though not a very well fleshed out backstory.

"The spirits are cool, but Chihiro's voice annoys me. Anyway, I'm tired, so you should either somehow make your shoulder softer or return my blanket before I destroy the world in burning flames."

Cody laughed at them, a full, vibrant sound that never ceased to make Sorin smile. "Yeah, okay buddy. You realize all flames are burning, right?"

Sorin shoved her lightly, reaching for the popcorn. "Shut up! You can't expect me to know proper grammar at this hour!" They took one piece of popcorn from the bowl and tossed at her, watching as it bounced off her forehead.

"Aaaa! You're in for it now!" Cody threw the blanket over their head, momentarily distracting them while she grabbed her own ammunition. Sorin pulled the blanket off their head just in time to stop the next three pieces, halting them in midair.

Sorin laughed over the sound of Cody protesting that telekinesis was cheating, and both of them pushed each other out of the way and scrabbled for their next round of fire, their movie momentarily forgotten in lieu of an epic battle. Carelessly they flung more popcorn at each other, Sorin trying and failing to shield themself from the onslaught, Cody left open but trying her best to dodge out of the way.

Several handfuls were thrown carelessly across the couch cushions, creating quite a mess, but that was a problem for future Sorin and Cody to deal with. For right now, they just got to have fun, enjoying the time to just be themselves without the outside stress of work, superpowers, or really anything.

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