28 · 二十八

794 36 89

•"Ginny Weasley hit you with a quaffle!"•

•"Ginny Weasley hit you with a quaffle!"•

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The Slytherin versus Gryffindor match is just around the corner, next weekend in fact, and our House has challenged our opponent to a practice match. Draco was the one who challenged them—he claims he did it on behalf of his team but I'm positive that he only did it out of rage and impulsivity—so Vince, Greg, Daphne, and I are practically obligated to go.

Since it's the weekend, there isn't as big of a crowd watching as there usually is at the official games. Nonetheless, as soon as the four of us step foot onto the stands, everybody parts a wide path for us as if we are royalty—which I very much adore to be thought of this way. We rest our elbows on the railings, content with having secured a spot that guarantees the best view of the match.

True gems that they are, Vince and Greg comes prepared, each holding a sign with Blaise's and Draco's names in big green letters. The match has not started yet, so we enjoy ourselves watching the two teams warm up. We especially enjoy when Draco "accidentally" whacks the back of Blaise's head with the end of his broomstick as they're flying laps around the pitch, causing Blaise to chase after him with all his might. As Draco zooms by us, we hear his speeded yell to Blaise, "Finally you're going faster!"

As Vince and Greg bark out matching laughs, I let out a giggle and turn to Daphne but her attention's completely not on out friends. Instead, her eyes are cemented on Nott and Tracey sitting together on the bleachers on the other side of the pitch. They seem to be having a good time, as they're laughing their heads off and sitting quite closely together.

I gently nudge Daphne with my elbow. She furrows her eyebrows, signing that I've caught her attention, but her eyes stay locked on the two. "I don't understand her. Not at all. He's just so boring. And what's wrong with her? She must be deaf and blind both if she can even stand him."

I shrug. "Well, perhaps he's better at being a friend than a date."

"Please, you're supposed to be on my side."

"Well you just insulted both Tracey and Nott in back-to-back sentences, so tell me which side you're on and I'll support."

She rolls her eyes. "I don't even know. I just get so bloody pissed when I see them together."

"Do you know why?"

She thinks for a second. "No."

"Well you can figure that out for yourself later. In the meantime, let's just enjoy this practice. Blaise will throw a fit if our attention is not on him." I have my suspicions about who she truly fancies, but I won't voice them unless Daphne speaks up about it first.

Just as I say that, the referee, a Gryffindor sixth-year boy, blows the whistle.

See here, I understand practically nothing about Quidditch, but I can see that both teams are immediately taking this practice match seriously. 20 minutes in, Blaise is being an absolute beast, scoring many points right off the bat, but Gryffindor is notably good as well, especially the red-head female Weasley. Not to mention, Nick's become the captain this year, and I'd be lying if I were to say he isn't a good one.

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