September 12th - Morning (Closed)

11 0 92

Unfortunately, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher has had to take some time of for... Personal reasons. Her replacement is Professor Valskia. Do treat her with the sam respect as you would any teacher.

Gryffindor table:

Hufflepuff table:

Ravenclaw table:

Slytherin table:




3rd floor bathroom (girls):


Astronomy Tower:

Hospital Wing:

Headmaster's office:

Black lake:

Forbidden Forest:

Room of Requirement:

Staff room:

Gryffindor Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Hufflepuff Cellar

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Ravenclaw Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Slytherin Dungeons

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Boys 2:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

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