chapter twenty seven

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"Please give me a remedy

A remedy that will make my stopped heart beat again,"

                                                                -JAMAIS VU 


Y/N's POV:

I grabbed my knees anxiously as Jungkook drove the car.

We were going to the nearest tattoo shop, where Jungkook used to go get his tattoos.

Hopefully, Van won't be on our back.

I could feel the thick and tense awkward tension between us.

When we were formally a master and student, there was nothing to be tensed about.

But now...

"Say something," said Jungkook monotonously.

"I thought you didn't like people blabbering too much," I sneered back.

"Why do you want to make it hard Y/n?!" he asked as he gripped onto the bridge of his nose.

"ME?! WAS IT ME?!" I could help but allow the tears I was holding for a long time.

Jungkook parked next to the roadside as he looked at me.

He grabbed my arms as I pushed him away.

"Y/N," he said in a stern tone as he tried to pick me up.

"Weak bastard," I mumbled crying as I laughed and sat on his lap.

"You know who's weak and who's not, honey," he said smirking.

Me on his lap. Driver's seat. Roadside.

"Do you how much I miss us being us," I cried as I hit him on his chest.

"I still remember how I hugged you, but you are pushing me away," I screamed and slapped him harder as he calmly took it all.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered as I laid my head on this chest.

"What wrong did I do to you?" I asked looking him in the eye.

I cried silently as I looked outside. It was of no use. He is going to ignore my feelings.

"Y/n," he called.

I didn't look.

I didn't want to. I don't want to fall myself deeper for him.

"Y/n," he called me softly as he gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

I looked into his eyes which were..... teary.

Jeon Jungkook... crying?

"Y/n, I have been onto the core of my limits," he said as his voice broke.

"I pushed you away as the bastard and dirty punk I am. I love you, and I don't want to get hurt Y/n," he said as tears began streaming from his eyes.

"You don't know how much I like you Y/n. I just don't know how to express my feelings for you. I have been nothing but a bad person playing with your feelings, I just don't deserve you Y/n and-,"

I didn't want him to continue so I slammed my lips onto his.

A gentle and soft one.

"Kook, don't say anything like that. You deserve the world," I said smiling at him as I traced his faint scar.

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