TWENTY-ONE ─ [ . : 。✿ ] snapdragon

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snapdragon flowers represent deception. legend has it that concealing one of these will
make others interested in or
more favorable towards you . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ *


"Hey, Matteo, how's the shop doing?"

"It's doing well. Pretty slow day today," came her boss' voice from the other end of the phone. "With the heat wave, no one really wants to be outside, y'know?"


Matteo chuckled softly.

"Hey, listen... do you think I could have the day off again?" (Y/N) asked. Though she wasn't nearly as tired as she was yesterday, after basically sleeping the day away, she still felt incredibly sluggish. And her roommates had somehow convinced her to take another day off to continue making up that missed rest. "I can finish setting up the shop website from home, if you'd like," she quickly added, not wanting him to think that she wouldn't make good on the promise.

"No, yeah, of course," Matteo assured her. "You still have a bunch of time off you never used after you went to the hospital."

"Thank you so much," (Y/N) breathed. She knew Jasper and Matteo were more friends than bosses── and honestly were more like big brothers than anything else── but they still had a business to run. She never wanted to take advantage of their kindness.

"...Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) answered. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just really exhausted, honestly." She took another long sip from her coffee mug. Naoki had been so kind to prepare it for her this morning, and she was hoping it would start waking her up soon.

"Alright," came Matteo's hesitant voice, clearly unsure if he believed her. "How 'bout this? You take a few days to rest, and come back on Wednesday. That's when we have our next shipment, and when we'll really need you to help put shit away. Until then, just stay home, take it easy, yeah?"

"Are you sure?" (Y/N) asked. "I don't wanna inconvenience you guys."

"It would be a bigger inconvenience to have you come back when you need to be resting, and spend all day worrying about you," Matteo promised. "We'll be just fine. Ivy's wanting some extra hours anyway to save up for college."

"You mean she's not gonna be an apprentice for an old witch in some forest?" (Y/N) joked automatically.

"I heard that!" Ivy's voice called from the other line.

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