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"Harper, sweetie, we are back," Lyanna called to her sister, I can feel her tense up as Harper is between my parents.   All eyes are directed to us.

"Ly! KK!"  Harper belts with glee as she sees us.  Yes, I allowed her to call me KK, short for King Knox, but only in informal situations.  Harper jumps and runs to us to give us a hug.  I lifted her up in my arms as Lyanna peppered her with kisses on her arm and hand. 

"KK, I was telling your daddy and mommy that my gown for tonight looks so beautiful and your mommy said she will lend me a small tiara but your daddy said I will stand out if I'd rather have fresh crown of flowers instead of a tiara."  Harper blabbers with excitement.

"Your daddy said he will choose the best flowers for me and the ones that are edible, so that when I go hungry I could just eat the flowers off my head!"  She burst into laughter and it is so contagious that both Lyanna and I found it hard to suppress a snicker.  

"Me-he-heee!"  To my astonishment, my father made the goat sound with a comic face as he tease Harper.  Harper, as usual, giggled and wiggled in delight.

I looked to my mate at my side and she is biting her lips to stop herself from laughing but erupted into a burst of laughter anyhow.

This sight is all weird to me.  I rarely see my father this loose and informal.  Only Lucian can make him smile back then.  I glanced at Rhett, and he just lifts his shoulders and smiled at me.

My mother stood and started to slowly approach us.  "You must be Lyanna.  I am Queen Amanda, Knox's mother.  I am so delighted to hear that my son has a mate and now looking at you and seeing it is all real, my heart is overwhelmed."  She embraced Lyanna who accepted the embrace. "Oh deary, he double marked you! Oh my, what a precious mate you are!"

"It is an honor to meet you Queen Amanda."  Lyanna formally said with a smile.

"Knox, my son, it has been so long." My mother turned to me.  She embraced me and Harper together.  Harper, like reflex took my mother in her arms.  I was moved by Harper's trust and sincerity to accept my mother that in seconds I found myself opening my arms to accept my mother in a tight embrace.  We were in a warm group hug and I will forever savor this moment. 

When we disentangled from the hug my father spoke.  "Well, King Knox, it is a surprise to see you all clothed not like the last time I saw you."   My mother's beaming face turned melancholic.  Lyanna's face snapped towards me and her eyes narrowed because she knew what my father is insinuating.  I growled as a warning. Nothing has changed.

"Leave us!"  I commanded.  I handed Harper to Lyanna without looking at her.  I will deal with my father alone.

Everyone quietly left the lounge.   My mother was last to leave and as she was about to go, she put a hand on my shoulder, "son..."

"Mother, don't,"  was all I could say to her.  My mother has started to show emotions and a hint of concern but it may all be too late now.

I moved closer to my father.  "Let us cut to the chase, why are you here?"  I fumed.

"We want to see your mate, the kingdom's new Luna Queen.  As your family, it is but right that we attend her coronation night.  Am I right?"  

"Family!  What do you know about family?  You never treated me as family.  In fact you treated me as an enemy!"  

"Do not start with me, Knox.  Do I need to remind you of what YOU did to this family?"

"That is low, father.  You know or you do not want to accept that I never intended to harm my brother and his mate! All I wanted was your respect, your approval, that you treat me at least slightly as a son...."  This is all too hard for me.  My parents being here is like rubbing salt to my already healing wound.  "I swear to you, that if you are here to hurt my mate, I will kill you with my own hands.  Lyanna has nothing to do with the events that happened many moons back.  Leave her and her sister alone!"

"This is your guilt speaking.  Your mother and I have no intentions of harming the Luna Queen.  Are you scared that you will meet the same fate as your brother?"

I pushed him hard!  "I WILL NOT LOOSE MY MATE!"  

"Good, good."  He stood up and gathered himself.  "Did you know that the three lunas who died recently were tortured and raped?  You have an enemy out there Alpha King, and it is not us.  Count it a blessing that your mother and I are here, at least your enemy will think thrice now of attacking your luna, since we are here to reinforce you."  He proudly asserted.

"You? My ally, here to protect what is precious to me?  Do not make me laugh, father! If I knew better there is nothing you would want more than to see me go mad and destitute when I loose my mate!  It is the ultimate justice your crave before you join my brother."

"Now, THAT is low, son.  You have no idea what I truly want in this world.  For now, believe it or not, your mother and I are here to see to it that the coronation proceeds well and safe tonight.  In a few days, your mother and I will leave you and your charming family alone, if that is what you desire."  He started to march out of the lounge, regal and kingly as always.

I breathe out as if I was not breathing the entire time I was alone with my father. I wish I could trust like a child.  I wish I could hold on to hope that my parents care.  I am king.  With or without hope, I must learn to rely on myself especially if my beloved mate is on the line.  

Moon Goddess, let tonight go well.  Do not make me hate you more than I already have in the past.  Show me you care for me too.  If not me, then care for my mate.   

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