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Dusk transitions to dark, a cloud of curtains drawing across the night sky that even the moon cannot pierce through. The bitter air bites at my exposed skin, the wind like tiny knives carving my skin. Casimir's body behind me provides little warmth, even as I snuggle further into his embrace.

We've been riding for hours, only the thump of the horses' hooves against the hard earth filling the air. My eyes transitioned to the dark long ago, but I still cannot make out much more than a few feet ahead, where Lei and Juerm's horse lead the pack. The rolling hills that once carved the horizon have melted into the night, the only sign of incline the slight angle of the horses' movements.

Colder than Elel, I can't help but imagine what it will feel like in the Saulun mountains. The Elel mountain range encounters sprinklings of snow, even when the rest of the country is warmed by the summer. Here, in Torinne, the oncoming winter is evident in the icy air. I can't help but wonder if we've brought enough clothes.

We ride for several more hours before Lei's horse slows from a gallop to a canter, gradually slowing all the way to a trot. My legs ache as we slow. I hadn't realised how tense they'd been, gripping to the body of the horse. Casimir guides the horse till we're in line with the other two, the horses heaving and stomping their hooves, eager to continue.

"There's a stream up ahead," Lei says. "We should take the opportunity to refresh fill water, there won't be another en route for a while."

"I'm on it," I volunteer. Casimir's hold loosens as I slide down the side of the horse, the insides of my thighs aching as I hit the ground.

Killian dismounts his horse to our side, swiping a hand through his hair. "I'll go with her."

"We'll try to find something to eat," Lei nods, taking a hold of Killian's horse.

"There are lots of rabbits on these hills; they scatter as soon as we get close. I can set a snare."

Lei nods, turning back to Killian and me. She tugs one of the tents from the back of Killian's horse and throws it across the space between us. Killian manages to catch it with one arm.

"In twenty minutes, we will meet back here," Killian says. "With or without food."

They nod. Killian glances down at me, I make sure to gather our water containers from the back of his horse. "This way." He nods over his shoulder, turning without checking I'm following. I glance towards the sky. The thick blanket of cloud rests heavily over us, concealing any glimpse of the moon. Out in the open with even the breeze and thump of hooves, the air around us feels eerily undisturbed. I shudder. I never thought I'd find comfort in being on horseback.

Twenty minutes. Then we're back on the horses.

Starting after Killian, I break into a jog to catch up, slinging the satchel with the water containers over my shoulder. I don't slow till I'm half a step behind him, sticking close enough that the dirt kicked up by his heels stains the tip of my shoe.

"How far is it?" I whisper.

"A little further this way."

We reach the peak of the hill, revealing a steep decline that gives way to a winding valley beneath. A stream slithers through the valley like a snake. Killian starts down the hill, me only a beat behind. "Careful," he warns. "The grass shifts to shingle which will easily shift underfoot. Traverse sideways, like this."

He demonstrates the maneuver, angling his body sideways to scale the hill in a zigzagged pattern. I mimic each step. Beneath me, the shingle skids no more than a few inches each step as we traverse our way to the bottom of the valley. I breathe a sigh of relief as the land flattens, reaching into the bag to retrieve the water containers, placing one in Killian's hand.

Curse Breaker (2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon