The shirt

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One late night, my mother and I are in her room, just watching TV. She asks for a drink, so I leave to get one. I am horrified of the supernatural, and right out her door is a dark hallway. I suck in my breath and begin walking through the door. I make it about five steps when I see the white shirt glowing about two feet away. The shirt is small, and looks like it belongs to someone about eight years old. I have a little brother around that age, so I believe it is him walking around in the dark. The shirt, which is all I could see, begins coming closer. I think it's my brother, so I call out to him and walk closer as well. I stick out my arms to hug him, when the shirt comes close enough for me to see that no one is inside of it. I jump and the shirt walks right up to me and disappears."

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