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The man got on the back of the creature while holding m

Because I could not sit stable,  was fixed to the body of the man with a cloth

...... It looks like a baby's hug string.

(Is he serious !? This position ......)

I know that my body is way too small.

...... I cannot reach the reins.

While I was thinking about something for a moment  I got moved with one hand, I was lifted and closely stuck to his body, and now I am in this state.

There is no power to protect myself because I cannot communicate.

There is a possibility that public order may be a little worse than in Japan.

It’s better to keep quiet here.

My future is likely with this guy who is holding me.

If he will take care of me, my future and the environment I will live in, is determined by his commandment.

If sold to someone as it is, even if I’m made into a slave, it’s no good as there is no future.

I cannot think that I can work because I am a child in a world in which I cannot communicate with anyone.

"*****? *******"

He should have understood that I cannot understand him, but he will still always speak with me.

I do not feel malice from him, if he is a good person, or if he will cheat on me ... I cannot yet make a decision.

I wish he could be a good man worried about me who grew younger.

After all, the language barrier is big.

(Why am I like this ... ...)

What am I supposed to do?

It’s only been about 3 months since I entered university, but today I was sleeping in and skimming my lectures .

... ... Was that bad?

This situation is too real to be a dream, right?

( I, can I not go home anymore?)

Is there a guarantee that I can go back?

Do I have to go live in such an unknown world?

The everyday life I was spending was not the best for me.

Still, the damage seems to have been bigger than I thought, thinking about losing the days I fought with my family and friends and laughing together.

Tears flowed awakwardly.

Once overflowing, it will not stop so easily ─ ─

"********!? **********?"

The man notices that I am crying, He’s telling me something, but I cannot stop.

The man who was puzzled stroked my back for a while to appease me.

"****. *********"

Saying something, hugging me with one arm.

As it was, I was shedding tears - but, it seems that I fell asleep after crying a lot of tears.

─ ─ ─ ─

It was very noisy when I woke up.

"******! **********"


It seems that the man is talking to someone.

(... ... It sounds like it was not a dream)

Even though I wake up, I still have to be in this unknown world.

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