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The boys all sat around the cave lighting their pipes, but who they got them from, Cove didn't know. She sat in between Todd and Meeks, her head on Todds shoulder.

"Attaboy, Pittsie, inhale deeply." The Overstreet girl laughed as she watched her friends struggle to inhale as her other friends talked about their fathers pipe collections.

"Your parents collect pipes? Oh, that's really interesting."

"Come on, Knox. Join in." Cove glanced up to see her brother staring at the ground, his mind clearly stuck on other things, a certain blonde in particular. "What's wrong?"

"He's stuck up on Chris." Pitts and Meeks began to talk about the Noel girl, laughing as Knox sat and sulked.

"That's not funny."

"Knock it off. Smoke your pipes." Neil entered the cave carrying a beat up light stand with a grin on his face as his friends greeted him.

"Friend, scholar, Welton men and woman." Cove nodded in acknowledgement, grinning as Meeks questioned the light stand.

"Duh. It's a lamp, Meeks." Neil removed the shade from the lamp, revealing the shape of a man as the base of the lamp.

"No. This is the god of the cave."

"The god of the cave." All of a sudden Charlie began to make loud and obnoxious noises with his saxophone, making Cove roll her eyes.

"What are you doing, Char?"

"What do you say we start this meeting?" Charlie slowly stood up and cleared his throat, continuing to speak. "Gentlemen, pretty lady, 'Poetrusic' by Charles Dalton." Charlie began to play erratic notes on the saxophone, making Cove cringe. "Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling. Gotta do more. Gotta be more." Charlie played more erratic sounds. "Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming. Gotta do more! Gotta be more!" Charlie finally started to play a real tune on the saxophone, the boys and Cove staring in amazement.


"That was nice. That was great. Where did you learn to play like that?" Cove chuckled as the boys continued to question her best friend.

"My parents made me take the clarinet for years."

"I love the clarinet." The Overstreet girl rolled her eyes, sitting up straight.

"Of course you do, Cameron. You have no taste." The boys around her grinned, laughing in amusement at the face Cameron had made in response to Cove's comment.

"I hated it. The saxophone. The saxophone is more sonorous." Cove's eyes widened, bewildered by the fact Charlie even knew what that word meant.

"Since when do you know big words, Charles?" Charlie wiggled his brows, making his best friend chuckle, her nose scrunching as she did so. Out of nowhere, Know jumped up from his spot on the rocks, his sister looking up at him in worry.

"I can't take it anymore. If I don't have Chris, I'm gonna kill myself." Cove knew he was just being over dramatic because that's how her brother was.

"Knoxious, you've gotta calm down."

"No, Charlie. That's just my problem. I've been calm all my life. I'll do something about that." The boy turned to walk out of the cave, his sister getting up and following after him like he did with her the night of Charlie's poem.

"Where are you going?"

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna call her." Knox began to chuckle as he left the cave, Cove right beside him with a grin on her face. The others quickly grabbed their coats, following the Overstreet twins.


Knox held the phone to his ear, all of his friends surrounding him as he waited for Chris to pick up. Cove stood in between Todd and Charlie, who still had his saxophone. As soon as the blonde on the other end of the line picked up, Knox put the phone back, making his sister furrow her brows in confusion.

"Knox, you can't be serious. What are you doing? Call her back, you idiot." The tall brunette looked at his sister, sighing as he shrugged his shoulders, clearly nervous.

"She's gonna hate me. The Danburrys will hate me. Our parents will kill me." Cove glared at her brother, her arms over her chest as if to ask, are you serious? "All right, goddamn it. Cove, you're right. Carpe diem. Even if it kills me." Knox quickly put another coin in the machine, calling the girl again. "Hello, Chris? Hi. This is Knox Overstreet." The group watched as he kept the phone to his ear, smiling brightly. "She's glad I called." Cove watched her brother's eyes light up, something that only happened when he was super happy. Like that one time he got a bike for his fourteenth birthday. "Would I like to come to a party?" Knox looked at his friends and then his sister, wanting her opinion more than anyone else's.

"Knox, don't be an idiot, say yes."

"Well, sure. Friday night at the Danburrys'. Okay. Thank you. I'll see you. Bye." The group of boys and Cove watched as the grinning idiot hung up, placing the phone back before turning to his friends in excitement. "Yawp! Can you believe it? She was gonna call me. She invited me to a party with her." His sister and best friend looked at each other, their shoulders dropping.

"At her boyfriends house." Knox just nodded his head with a toothy grin on his face, clearly not seeing the issue.

"Well?" The Overstreet boy just shrugged his shoulders asking, so, as his friend continued. "So, you don't really think she means you're going with her?"

"Well, of course not, Charlie. But that's not the point. That's not the point at all." Charlie turned to Cove, her brows furrowing in confusion as she shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what her twin was thinking because she was just as confused. "The point, Charlie, is that she was thinking about me. I've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me. Damn it. It's gonna happen, guys. I feel it. She is going to be mine. Carpe. Carpe!" Knox dramatically flipped his scarf around his neck as he walked away, climbing up the stairs.

"I don't know what were going to do if she breaks his heart."

"Me either."

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