XI: Undecim

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There was a brief, intimidating pause where the iron clad woman stared them all down. It was like looking into a soulless ghoul, where her eye's should be there was only a dark shadow.

Lavinia rolled her shoulders, shifting on her feet nervously.

"What is going on," The Commander finally spoke, her voice deep and gravelly yet unmistakably feminine. As if by instinct, the two other Knights began warbelling excuses, talking over each other and desperate to be heard.

"I didn't ask for a story. I asked you, what is going on?" The woman ground out between her teeth, hands on her hips. The dragon behind her stomped a little, causing the ground to shake as billowing clouds of smoke wafted from his mouth. Lavinia palms began to get clammy.

"Well, she refused the Queen's order!" The tallest, bald Knight accused, pointing his finger at her. Lavinia baulked, making a face at him, as if to say 'really?'. She opened her mouth to refute, but a cold, metal hand clamped her shoulder. Vaeros, who's hand had now settled by her back, stood in front of her.

Moving her behind him, he raised a finger

The Commander nodded.

From a pouch on his hilt, next to an obsidian sword, he pulled out a piece of parchment and a pencil. The faces of the two Knights paled for some reason. Lavinia couldn't see what Vaeros was writing, but by the looks on their faces and the shifting stance of the Commander it wasn't looking good for the two bullies.

"You two." The commander hissed, yanking the two errants Knights by the collars of their armour. She dragged them off, neither of the two fighting back and resigning to their fate.

The Commander stopped for a little, looking over Vaeros' shoulder and straight into her soul. Lavinia bit down the feeling of fear, and stood straight, looking right back.

"I will have to notify the Queen about this." The commander said simply, turning back on her heel she thudded away, the two Knights dragging behind her.

The white dragon seemed to contemplate her and Vaeros for a moment, as if they were nothing but two mildly interesting ants. He huffed once more, before following the Commander off. The loud bangs of his footsteps echoed all the way until they disappeared.

Lavinia slumped, overwhelmed with relief. For a moment, she'd been genuinely frightened. She'd never seen such an animal like that before. A castle sized being that could squish them if he so much as got bored.

"Well, I guess that kind of ruined the tour." Lavinia commented, looking at Vaeros. Errant strands of his vibrant crimson hair got caught in his eyes, as he turned around to face her. He pushed them out the way, and smiled at her. Where he was tense, and terse before now his features had softened. Vaeros pulled out another piece of parchment, scribbling something down, and then handing it to her.

'Thank you' was written in neat cursive. Lavinia's heart melted, only slightly. What had Vaeros been through, that her just speaking out for him was worth gratitude. She returned his smile eagerly, patting him on his armoured shoulder. Then wincing when it hurt.

"Right. Yeah, armour shouldn't have done that." She winced, waving her hand to shake off the sting. A snort of laughter sounded out. It wasn't graceful or polite, but noisey and ridiculous. Vaeros slapped a hand over his mouth as if he himself did not expect it. Lavinia smiled, but did not comment, there was no need to add to his embarrassment.

"So, should we continue the tour?"


Delvin hated meetings. Political or otherwise, they were all the same. Everyone had an agenda and no one was your friend. He hated the fakeness of it all. But this one today was important. Here he could rally forces, for when he eventually overthrew his father and mother.

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