Chapter 7:What's so great about killing?

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Everyone was doing their own thing in the base of Night Raid. Najenda was very much impressed with ghe work they've done, although she still wonders how Kei wasable to hide a weapon like that without a Teigu.

Kumagawa himself was a bit interesed about what the Revolutionary Army considered to be their greatest treat. This person who's considered the strongest, Esdeath.

Seems like her ability is the control of ice and cold obtained from consuming the blood of a danger beast, which apparently was a Teigu. He wondered what would be the case on that if she died. Is the Teigu considered destroyed or do they just collect her blood?

Either way, he decided to do some research on her and compare her to Medaka. Least to say, the comparassion was very unfair. Although he'll admit she's hot.

Kumagawa leaned back, laying on the floor and glanced at Bulat who was exercising with a doble hammer. Kei was off with Akame making crockets with rice for breakfast. The girl really liked meat, maybe as much as Medaka does.

He mentioned Medaka a lot, hasn't he? Perhaps he's missing her a little, he came in such a short notice for the experiment and didn't even have time go say hello. Well, at meast Zenkichi didn't get stuck here.

Bulat:Yo, Kumagawa! How about you exercise a bitas well?

Kumagawa:[Sure? Which arm would you like me to rip off?]

Bulat:What...What is with this sudden agession?

Kumagawa:[I warned you what will happen if you try to put moves on me.]

Bulat decided at the moment to turn his head away and begin to whistle innocently. Smart man.

They quicietly eat their breakfast, with the exception of Sheel who didn't realize that Akame eat hers. Not long after Najenda came back from her joyrney.

Najenda:We have a situation.

They were gathered in the meeting room. Najenda had given them a raport of what happened in the Capital.

Najenda:Many people were found with their heads cut off, seemingly at random.

Kumagawa:[Not sure how random, this seems like the work of a serial killer.]

Bulat:This sounds like the work of the Executioner Zanku.

Kumagawa:[Who's that person?]

Mine:You really are out of town, huh?

Sheele:Uh, excuse me? I haven't heard of him either.

Mine:You probably just forgot, Sheele.


Najenda:Than let me pur you up to speed. Zanku was an executioner for the Empire. He cut head after head with so many begging for mercy. Eventually, it became an obssesion. Soon the heads of criminals weren't enought for him and he became to wounder the streets for more.

Kumagawa:[Sounds like the work of any executioner. Then again, knowing this place...]

Kei:It's not a surprise he went insane.

Najenda:Not only that, he has a Teigu.

Kei:A Teigu? Like the rest of you, huh?

Mine:Do we have any idea what kind of Teigu he has?

Najenda:No, we're still looking into that.

Leone:Not revealing his card, huh? That's annoying.

Kumagawa:[Me! Me! Can I go?]

Najenda:This a very unpredictable and dangerous threat. Then again, seeing as you're literally immortal, I can allow it. I'll still send the others with you, in case the fight gets hard.

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