missing friend

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The kids came in the daycare soon after. Sun, I and all of the kids played for half an hour until I got a text from my boss to see him in his office.

"So, y/n. Your brother, Gregory, didn't clock in to work today. He also didn't call in sick so I wanted to know if he was okay." My boss, Marvin, said.

"Gregory left for work before me. Are you sure you didn't see him?" I asked.

"Even if I did, he isn't responding to any of my text messages or calls." Marvin said.

I stomach sank. Gregory didn't leave work with me yesterday. What if he was kidnapped! What if someone hurt him?

"I'm sorry, I need to call my mom." I said while getting up.

I left his office and went through my contacts to find Quinn's. when I called, she answered almost immediately.

"Hey, what's up?" She said.

"Was Gregory home when you left for work?" I asked.

"No? Did he not leave with you?" Quinn asked.

"No, he left before me." I said.

My phone died. My phone fucking died. I had charged it to a full battery yesterday night! There's no way it could've died unless someone was messing with it. Who could've messed with it though?

I started hyperventilating. Unable to do anything but sink to the floor. The walls looked like they were closing in on me and all of the noise around me got louder. I started to feel tears roll down my cheeks. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them.

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice call out.

Looking up, I saw Lina. I immediately got up and hugged her while crying into her shoulder.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She asked.

"Gregory is missing!" I said while hugging her tightly.

__time skip__

I was in the living room with Lina talking about what happened. My boss, who had seen me crying, told me that I could go home for the day. So I did. Bill was out looking for Gregory while Quinn was still at work.

"Hey, how about we watch a movie or something to get our minds off things?" Lina suggested.

I nodded and and put glitter force on Netflix. I quickly fell asleep soon after.

"Sunshine, you don't need to run! I won't hurt you!" Sun said.

'I was running away from the only person, or animatronic, I could trust.

Why would I run away from sun?

He wouldn't hurt me.

The only one who could was-'

I stopped in my tracks.

"Vanny, I know it's you!" I said.

The sound of the animatronic's footsteps stopped for a second and turned into normal ones.

"Awww. But I was just getting started." Vanny said in a teasing tone.

She laughed and appeared infront of me.

"Too bad your pathetic bitch of a brother didn't realize as fast as you." Vanny laughed again.

"Wait, Gregory? What did you do to him?!" I said as anger took over my usual feeling of fear

"What? Me? I would never hurt that kid!" Vanny said in an obviously fake offended tone.

"Maybe it was you girlfriend, Lina!" Vanny said.

"She not my fucking girlfriend you bitch!" I said.

"What did you do to Gregory!" I screamed.

Vanny brought her hand to her chest as if she was offended and said:

"I, Vaness- Vanny, did not harm your scrawny, insect looking, brother."


Did she mean Vanessa?!'

"Ofcourse! You're fucking Vanessa! No wonder you know my name and how to get to my head!" I screamed.

Vanny laughed.

"Took ya long enough to fuckin' realize!" Vanessa said.

I tried to punch Vanny but she dodged it and punched me instead.

I fell to the ground hard.

My vision started going blurry.

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you." Vanessa said.

I woke up, gasping for air. Lina, who hadn't even realized that I fell asleep, jumped up and asked:

"Are you okay?! What happened?!"

"I need to go." I said as I got up.

"Y/n, it's 9pm." Lina said.

"I don't care. I need to go." I said while quickly putting my shoes and going out to the bus stop.

Lina followed me. We stood there in awkward silence while waiting for the bus to arrive.

__time skip__

I was searching the pizza Plex for over an hour now. I didn't know what I was searching for though. Because it sure wasn't Gregory. Lina had to leave twenty minutes ago so she wouldn't be out past her curfew. It was already almost 12pm yet I didn't care. I just needed to find something.

I had circled back infront of the daycare for the third time, passing guards and a couple people being ushered out. I was still in my uniform since I never took it off earlier. Being the reason why nobody told me to leave.

My phone buzzed and I saw that it was 12:01 am. I was officially locked in this god damn place. I groaned in annoyance and pinched my nose bridge. I decided to go down the slide to the daycare and crash there for the night. Just like when I was twelve.

Word count: 878 words.

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