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" you were in my dream last week
i'd like to hear what you think "

" you were in my dream last weeki'd like to hear what you think "CHANGE - ALEX G

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"OH WOW..."

You stared at the boy sitting next to you.

He had bright pink hair, green glasses, and...antennas of some sort?

He stood out for sure, yet nobody was talking to him.

"He seems lonely..."

So you decided to talk to him first!

You turned your body to fully face him in your chair.

"Saiki, right?" You asked.

The boy turned around, and looked at you almost in annoyance, but his expression turned neutral again.

"Yes." He answered, and turned back around to continue whatever he was doing.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you!" You put your hand out to shake.

He didn't say anything, and quickly shook your hand, then ignored you.

"Maybe...he's not good at socializing?" You thought to yourself.

"But I really want to be his friend..." You went straight to brainstorming ideas.

"I'll invite him to eat with me at lunch!" You brightened at your idea.


"Why...is that girl staring at me?" He thought.

"Oh wow..." he heard you think to yourself.

"Yare yare...don't tell me she's interested in me..."Saiki shivered.

"He seems lonely..." you thought.

"I'm perfectly fine how I am."

"Saiki, right?" Your voice asked.

Jeez...she's talking to me." He turned to face you. "What a nuisance..."

"Yes." He quickly answered, composing his face.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you!" You put your hand out to shake.

"I guess I have to shake her hand..."

He quickly shook your hand.

"Maybe...he's not good at socializing?" You thought to yourself.

"I choose not to."

"But I really want to be his friend..." You went straight to brainstorming ideas.

"I don't want to be yours."

"I'll invite him to eat with me at lunch!" You brightened at your idea.

"Please don't."


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