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I just want to ask you guys Are you loosing interest in reading this book? Because there are no likes increasing nor any comments in the previous chapters. If you want me to stop writing this Smut parts then I'll be concentrating in writing my other book.

Let me know please.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

“Sam.” His gravelly rumble made her nipples ache.

She took a shallow breath. Her gaze roamed his face, down his body, and then slowly back up to his face. He stepped closer, and she whimpered. Oh lord. What the hell was wrong with her? Every hormone in her system begged for him. Wanted him. Needed him.

“Roy, I…”

Her throat went dry. He stalked toward her, watching her with enough possession to make the hairs on her arms stand on end. He focused on her mouth. She swiped her tongue over her dry lips, and his eyes darkened.

He stopped in front of her, wrapped his hands around her waist, and pulled her into him. Her panties soaked with her wet heat. She lifted her face to his, and their mouths met in a hungry kiss. He conquered her with his tongue, rubbing the inside of her mouth with enough passion she thought she’d burst into flames.

The world shifted, and she was scooped up into his arms. As he walked up the stairs with her in his arms, she ran her hands into his short brown hair. She kissed his throat, licking at the pulse beating erratically under her tongue. She grazed her blunt teeth over his neck and nipped at the warm flesh. He groaned and dropped her on the bed.

“Tell me now if you don’t want this.” He gave her a heated look.

She got on her knees on the bed. Lust shot through her. He clenched his jaw. Gripping the sides of her tank top, she lifted it above her head and flung it down after she took it off. His gaze darted to her satin-covered breasts. She moved a hand to the hook on her back and unclasped her bra, all the while watching his eyes sparkle with lust. He was seeking her consent even when he was clearly having a hard time holding himself back from pouncing on her. The thought of him fucking her wildly made her pussy flutter again. She licked her lips and moved her hands to her shorts.

“I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you right now.” Roy whispered in her ear.

She panted while he ripped off his clothes in hurried movements. The sound of tearing cloth enhanced her arousal, thickening her blood in her veins.

He removed his boxers. His cock stood proud, pointing up to his belly button. Oxygen levels depleted in her lungs the longer she stared at his thick shaft. Pre-cum oozed from his slit, sliding down the sides of his long length. Passion overran every other thought in her brain. She needed him. Their lips met in a desperate kiss, and she whimpered in joy. She splayed her hands over the warm, muscled flesh of his chest. Her pussy throbbed and begged to cum.

He cupped her breasts and squeezed the aching mounds. Rolling the twin tips between his fingers, he brought her to the edge of sanity. He nibbled her neck, her lips, and traveled down until he latched on to a nipple.

Her breath caught, and she saw stars. He slid his hands down her body, to her shorts, and shoved them down her legs, while flicking his tongue over one swollen nipple. She moaned. Every touch was a silken caress on her heated skin. He detached from her nipple and pushed her to lie back on the pillows on the bed. The shorts came off, along with her panties.

He sat on his heels, his gaze dark, piercing, and possessive. Her breath reeled. She lay there, completely naked and spread-eagle, uncaring how she looked. Desire and arousal shut down any wariness within her. Only thoughts of him filling her until the ache inside her womb ceased swarmed her.

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