Chapter 9

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Natalie's POV
Vacation day 2

Natalie and the twins swimwear

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Natalie and the twins swimwear


Its all about family ❤️💬➡️

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Its all about family

I walked on the beach holding the twins hands

Demon was walking behide us

" Can we go in the water again mommy " Rain said giving me puppy eyes

" Sure but don't go too deep loves" I said to them as they ran off

A large veiny arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my closer to his side

" You enjoying the vacation so far" Demon said kissing my forehead

" I am, it's calming " I said

He hummed in response

" Where are your parents and sister"

" They went out in the town" he said

" Oh that's nice"

" Mommy, daddy come in the water" River yelled

" We good right here love" I said

Demon chuckled and threw me over his shoulder and ran in the water throwing me in

" Oh my fucking god!" I yelled

" Mommy said a bad word" Rain said covering her mouth

" I'm sorry it just slipped" I muttered

We started playing with the kids, dunking them in the water and just enjoying time as a family

Soon we got out and Demon wrapped a towel around my waist

I raised my eyebrow at him

" Don't need nobody looking at your ass" he said and I shook my head

I picked River up and he had Rain around his neck

We walked back to our room and I swiped our card before walking in

I changed the kids off and Demon left to go do something


I was showering when I heard a loud bang coming from the living room and the kids screaming

I got out and wrapped a towel around me and the bathroom door was yanked opened

Men dressed in black shits and face covered with a black mask yanked me and pulled me into the room and shoved me on the bed

" Where's Demon "

" Where the hell are my children" I yelled

" If you don't talk now they will die"

" I don't fucking know where he is okay, he left an hour ago I swear" I said tears streaming from my eyes

" Is that so" he said stroking and pulled my hair before ripping my towel off

" Oh god please no leave me alone!" I yelled as he took his clothes off signaling the rest of the guys to leave

I screamed and yelled as he held me down

God he's going to rape me

He's going to rape me

I kicked and slapped but he pointed s gun at me

" Shut the fuck up and take it" He said

Tears streamed from my eyes as he started to force himself in me

" You tight as fuck"

Gun shots rang out in the hotel room and he placed his hands on my mouth putting his clothes back on and left me naked

" Don't make a sound"

All I could do was cry

The door was opened and a body dropped and Demon stood there with a gun and a toothpick in his mouth

" Gaston pleasant surprise what you doing to my wife and kids" Demon said the gun pointed at the guy

" Just getting a lil taste, you got you a tight lil mama"

" Mmm I see, get out" he said harshly and Gaston walked out and right as he hit the door he was shot in the head

" Fucking fool, you okay mama" Demon said rushing over to me

" Where are the kids" I said crying

" My mom just came for them" he said

I completely broke down and I hugged him forgetting I was naked

" What did he do, did he touch you" he said and I nodded

" He almost raped me" I said sniffling

" Hey listen nobody go hurt you ight, I don't know what clicked in that's fucking fools head" he muttered picking me up

I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck

Demon through a towel over me and comforted me

" You want me to run you a bath" he asked and I nodded

He placed me on the bed and I wrapped myself properly in the towel

Demon left to the bathroom and water was heard running

Demon came back and I got up

I dropped my towel and got in the bath pulling my knees to my chest

" Hey listen it's okay, I promise I ain't go leave you and the kids by yourself ever again okay"

I just nodded and looked away

It was his fault I was almost raped, those people came here looking for him after all

I got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked out in silence

I slipped my underwear on, some pj's pants and shirt and got in the bed

" The kids are staying with my mom tonight" Demon said and I just nodded

I crawled in bed and cuddled under the blanket

Demon sighed and got in bed with me

I gave in and cuddled up to him

I just felt safe and comforted when I'm close to him

I finally drifted off to sleep

Will be safe here in Italy at all now

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