Chapter 26; And what came after

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The Baron's expression was one of surprise when at last Lucy emerged from the tent of the Lord of the Dead. Perhaps in part both because she had obtained the key and that she herself was still alive.

Nevertheless, she allowed him to say nothing further on the matter, nor ask questions about how she had gotten the key or what happened to Azrael himself.

"It doesn't matter." Lucy said softly with one final glance at the black tent who's fabric was slowly pierced by the needle-like tips of black thorns, the branches swallowing it whole. "In any case, we ought to go. The carnival is coming to an end."

And to a glorious end it came; with lanterns popping and flickering to a dying light that vanished as they ran, tents collapsing silently in upon themselves as though being pulled into the ground itself. And all the while it was entirely empty, the remaining dead lovers and the carnival performers having disappeared as though vanishing into mist.

Thus, no one slowed them as they ran down the onyx path towards the gates-- the sky at the edge of the horizon tinged a blushing pink, lighting their way.

At times, Lucy stumbled, feeling as though her weary legs might collapse beneath her and she may not rise again. Yet it was in those times that the Baron steadied her, pulling her upright when she threatened to fall.

"We're nearly there," he said, his words punctuated with heavy gasps of air as he too struggled. "Just a bit farther."

And when at last the edges of the horizon were tinged with the fiery gold of the coming sun and the two held up one another in their final sprint, the gates loomed before them. The silver bars guarded by the only three living figures that still remained.

The first was Oz, and though he inquired nothing as to the state of Azrael, Lucy had the sense he knew what had become of the carnival master. He did, however, appear surprised that Lucy had found all three keys-- yet even to this he made no comment at all.

The second was Mabel, her steps far less joyous than before. Like a child who knows the party has come to an end.

With a tender touch she took hold of Lucy's hands in her front hooves. "I hope you'll both be happy, no matter where your lives lead." she said, "And perhaps one day we shall meet again."

They embraced one another for a moment, a pang of sorrow piercing Lucy's chest that she would have to leave her behind to whatever fate awaited them beyond the mist.

Yet the sun was rising, and with a gentle prodding from Mabel she stepped forth towards the barred gates, the third and final guardian, the minotaur of the gates, stepping aside without a word.

"Shall we, Edward?" she asked the Baron as they stood side by side, keys in hand.

He nodded, and together they slid the keys into the locks of the gate and hand in hand they stepped out into the light of the dawn. Into the world of the living...


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