Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Evelyn's POV (A/N _ In italic because of 2 different povs)

Another image passed by me as my eyes fluttered open once again, claws scratching my throat as it stopped me from breathing normally. A wave of panic hit me as I croaked out weakly, but there was no voice coming out.

I slammed hard on my chest to stop the pain but to no avail. I curled my hands into fists as I banged against the wood just inches away from me, making me hard to breathe in a non-ventilation place.

All I could hear was nothing but my labored breathing as I pounded on the wood to get help. No one could listen to my pleas no matter how hard I tried.

Soon, exhaustion piled up as my eyelids dropped tiredly. My breathing slowly stopped until I felt darkness consumed me once again. This time with uncertainty of when is the next time my mind is going to be conscious again.

And, things are going to repeat by itself again.


Nathan's POV

After the brief mind-link by Eric, I found my feet rushing towards the direction of my mate's room. She has went through another panic attack and Eric was there by her side to handle the situation.

But this time, I swear I was able to detect shock from his tone when he mind-linked me.

Something must have happened to my mate.

I pushed past the door and stormed inside the room where Eric was checking on her IV drip. His eyes flickered over to me as he nodded his head in respect. "Alpha."

"How is my mate?" I immediately went straight to the point, rushing towards my mate's side as I held onto her hands which were strangely cold.

This has never happened before.

"Why are her hands cold, Eric?" I demanded, snapping my head towards him as he flipped open the clipboard in his hands. "Not too sure about that, Alpha. But just now, I noticed her hands were balled into fists when she had another panic attack."

I stayed silent as a sign for him to continue.

"This is good news as she is slowly gaining back her strength. As for the cold hands, I will have to research on that. Please give me a little more time, Alpha." He replied back with confidence in his voice, making me nod firmly with approval as he bowed and walked out of the room to give us some privacy.

I let out a sigh which I have been holding since just now. My heart pained to see her going through another panic attack, wishing I had taken her place and suffered instead of her.

Yet, the news of her gaining back control somehow re-ignited the fire in me as I looked forward to the day she wakes up.

Sweeping her hair to the side, I gently pecked on her cold lips, hoping to emit warmth from my body to hers. The fact that her body is getting cold terrifies me even though there are signs that she is waking up soon.

Why do I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon?

Footsteps entered the room as I tensed, my body straightened up as if on instinct. "Hi, Eve. It's me, Rachel." Rachel's voice rang in my ears as she stopped on the other side of the bedside.

Ever since the war ended, I have decided to spare Rachel and her mate's life because of the fact that they have assisted me to rescue my mate.

She had tried to reduce the amount of dosage without getting caught by Jones and secretly met up with me and provided me all the information I needed to turn the situation around.

That is why I was able to have an upper hand at the very last moment when Jones had entered my territory.

But, the fact that the silver was deadly especially since it was invented by Jones was something all of us had not expected. I knew Rachel would have let guilt eaten her up if I don't allow her to visit my mate whenever she wanted.

Even though I have spared their lives, but they were not given a chance to start afresh in my pack, seeing as how they have worked together to kidnap my mate in the first place.

Rachel understood and accepted the arrangement, only requesting to be allowed to visit Evelyn when she wanted to. I have agreed, knowing my mate would enjoy her company at least.

I knew deep down inside, she still cared for her best friend who had once betrayed her.

I watched as she bent down and held onto her hand before dropping it with shock. "Why are your hands so cold, Eve?" She gasped, her eyes flickered over to me.

"What's happening to her, Alpha? She isn't like this the last time I visited her." She asked in exasperation, slowly panicking.

My eyes were focused on my mate as my lips were pursed in a thin line. I dragged my face down wearily. "If only I knew why, I would have done something. But apparently, even Eric himself doesn't know why."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a tear rolled down her cheek. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have done what he ordered me to." She sobbed, hugging my mate's arm as her tears wet the mattress.

I stared at the sight in front of me, instantly felt a stinging pain as though it was coming from my mate. My eyes slowly widened as my hand went to my chest. Could she have heard what Rachel said and responded?

Since I have marked her, I could feel the emotions she is having inside of her right now. Is she slowly gaining her control and waking up soon?

It was at this moment when both our eyes lifted and flickered towards her moving fingers.

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