The Divorce

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Months later

Xavier and Jenna sat across from each other at the long conference table, their lawyers on either side. The room was tense, and the only sound was the rustling of paper as the lawyers reviewed the divorce documents.

"Jenna, sign the papers," Xavier demanded, slamming his hand down on the table.

Jenna recoiled, her eyes flashing with anger. "I don't want to sign them, Xavier. Everything is in your name, and I don't have anything to show for our years together."

Xavier's lawyer leaned forward. "Jenna, you signed the prenuptial agreement willingly. All assets acquired during the marriage belong to Xavier."

Jenna's lawyer nodded. "That's correct. You knew what you were agreeing to when you signed the prenup."

"I know what I signed!" Jenna snapped. "But I didn't think it would end like this. I thought we were in this together."

Xavier's face darkened. "Don't act like you're the victim here, Jenna. You knew exactly what you were getting into."

"You're the one who's making me out to be the villain," Jenna shot back, her voice rising. "I'm not signing these papers until we come to an agreement that's fair for both of us."

Xavier's jaw clenched. "There's nothing to negotiate, Jenna. You signed the prenup, and everything is mine, plus I gave you the house."

Jenna's eyes narrowed. "I don't care what the prenup says. I'm not going to let you take everything from me."

The lawyers exchanged uneasy glances as the argument grew more heated. Finally, Jenna stood up from the table, her fists clenched.

"I'm not signing the papers," she said firmly. "I'll see you in court."

Xavier stood up as well, his face twisted with rage. "Fine. We'll settle this in court. But don't expect to get anything out of it."

With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving Jenna and her lawyer alone.


Jenna and Xavier's divorce case went to court, and the tension between them was palpable. Jenna had hired a fierce lawyer who was determined to fight for her rights, while Xavier had brought in a team of high-powered attorneys to defend his assets.

As the proceedings began, Jenna's lawyer argued that the prenuptial agreement was unfair and that Xavier had taken advantage of Jenna's trust. But Xavier's lawyers countered that the agreement was legally binding and that Jenna had willingly signed it.

The judge listened to both sides and then made his ruling. "Based on the prenuptial agreement, all assets acquired during the marriage belong to Mr Xavier," he said. "Ms. Jenna, I'm afraid I must order you to sign the divorce papers."

Jenna's heart sank. She had hoped that the judge would see things her way, but it seemed that the prenup was ironclad.

But then, as Xavier started to gloat, Jenna's lawyer stood up and said, "Your honor, there is one more matter that we would like to bring to the court's attention."

Xavier looked uneasy as Jenna's lawyer continued. "During the course of their marriage, my client discovered that Mr. Xavier had an extramarital affair with his assistant."

Xavier's face turned red as Jenna's lawyer presented evidence of the affair, including emails and text messages between Xavier and Sofia. Jenna watched as Xavier slumped in his chair, his face twisted with anger.

The judge looked at Xavier sternly. "Mr. Xavier, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Xavier cleared his throat. "Your honor, I admit that I had an affair. But that has nothing to do with the prenup or the divorce."

Jenna's lawyer shook her head. "On the contrary, your honor. The affair shows that Mr. Xavier did not act in good faith during the marriage. It is only right that my client is compensated for her emotional distress."

"Emotion distress my ass." Xavier mumbled, rolling his eyes.

The judge nodded thoughtfully. "I see your point, Ms. Jenna. However, the prenuptial agreement is still in effect. I ordered Ms. Jenna to sign the divorce papers, but Mr. Xavier will have to pay a settlement to compensate his wife for the emotional distress caused by the affair."

"Fine." He agreed and got out his checkbook.

As they left the courthouse, Xavier approached Jenna and handed her a check. "Here you go. Now please do me the favor of me never having to see your face again."

Jenna snatched the check. "This isn't over, Xavier. Your parents are on my side, so I will always be in your life."

"Jenna, you and my parents can rot in hell."


Zoe sat at her kitchen counter, stirring her cup of coffee.

"Just call her." Lala told her.


"Call Sofia. You clearly miss her, so call her."  Lala told her.

"I have, but she hasn't answered." Zoe sighed.

"Invite her to your party on Saturday." Said Lala.

Zoe sighed and pulled out her phone she dialed Sofia's number, but she didn't answer, so she left a voice mail.

Zoe: "Hey Fia.. I um, it's been a while.. haven't heard from you since well, umm, you know. I miss you. I miss my friend. So um come to my party this Saturday.. it's a red carpet theme like we planned. Anyway.. I know you and Xavier are over, but I'd really like to see you again. Anyway, bye. And I miss you.. again."

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