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CICI had finally realized that it was okay to learn new things. When it came to being in a relationship, problems were bound to come. Old flings would pop up out out of nowhere with hopes of tearing y'all down and that's where the trust came in. Without an solid foundation, you were bound to crumble under pressure.

That also meant you couldn't have your hand in the cookie jar and say you wanted brownies.

"Why would I not go to my own brothers party? I'm not that much of a home body now." CiCi laughs, combing her hair out in the mirror.

Ron hadn't even been released from the hospital for a whole 48 hours and he had already thrown a "Welcoming a Real Nigga Back" party. He made sure to have everyone post the pool party flyer so the event was for sure gone be on full swing. Especially since Ron had top notch face in the hood.

His shooting spread quick and people were expecting him to lay low but instead, he was asking for the opps to come to him. He was more mad at the fact a ho set him up while he was with his lady who was pregnant with his baby. They was testing his gangsta so he was playing with theirs.

"You miss my crab party ever year though." Jelly rolls her eyes. She would never let CiCi forget.

"I don't come to your crab party because it's always on a week day. Don't try to act like I don't come because I don't want to."

"So if I have it on a weekend you'll come?" Her eyes light up causing her friend to laugh.

"I guess." She shrugs.

Jelly exclaims, falling back on her bed to kick her feet up in the air childishly. CiCi looks over at her friend as she shakes her head before looking back at her appearance in the Jelly's bathroom mirror. She had little to no clothes on, a silver bikini covering her explicit body parts.

She was feeling as good as she looked to. Her and Sage had left the Tornai situation where it belonged; in the tras— past. He'd made her his number one priority next to money and she was on blue. Being able to tweet about the princess treatment she was getting every hour of the day made her fingers hurt but she wouldn't stop.

Her mom had been tripping but it wasn't nothing the siblings couldn't handle. Candy was still the sunshine of the family and Ron was still the protector. CiCi sometimes wondered what her role was but after realizing how close her family was to falling apart when she left for three days to spend the extended weekend at Sage's house, she knew she was the glue that kept them together.

stinkkk 💞

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stinkkk 💞 loved a image

All mine😍
You fine asf ma 😩😩
And where yo belly piercing

Thank you stink ❤️
& stop acting like youn know where it's at🙄

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